Tesla : BEAR in my opinion, what is the bullish case?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Chris Mac, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. nursebee


    That is a GM press release, not something one can buy or even order today.
    GM promised electric volt, we are still waiting on that.
    And Lutz's electric truck, where do you buy those at?
    #31     Feb 9, 2015
  2. Humpy


    Musk is betting a shedload of money on the basis that technology will come up with much better batteries. This leap of faith may be only realised in the distant future or even not at all.
    #32     Feb 9, 2015
  3. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    Moreover, why couldn't Elon Musk be wrong and lose money?
    Remember, even Steve Jobs was a big loser before his come-back !
    #33     Feb 9, 2015
  4. Pekelo


    I dunno, maybe something about shareholders?

    And sure that was just a GM press release what is as good as Musk's statements about the future...
    #34     Feb 10, 2015
  5. nursebee


    La Galleria du Peanuts continues

    Find a Musk statement of future that did not happen

    Have any of youse bears driven the car?

    Where were you all in 2011? Please note the disappearance of all the bears from then (ie no longer on ET) and that even Jack was bearish (LOL, stay on his side) http://www.elitetrader.com/et/index.php?threads/tsla.224571/
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
    #35     Feb 10, 2015
  6. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    SURE i'll stay on the BEAR side ! Best timing to short again Tesla !

    See graph below!
    Second time in a row TESLA get crushed by Moving Average 200 days (YELLOW LINE)
    RSI : ridiculous, 55, ready to go below 50.
    To resume, one direction : SOUTH !
    BEARS are BACK !

    #36     Feb 10, 2015
  7. nursebee


    Time to place your bets!
    #37     Feb 10, 2015
  8. Pekelo


    Relevance? The quality of product is not the question, the health of the company is. And by health we mean profitability.

    It is relative easy to make a good service (Amazon) or product (Tesla) when you don't have to aim for profits. But eventually those pesky investors will turn away and somebody has to hold the bag for your shiny new car....

    Here is a Musk statement that will definitely happen: We won't be profitable until 2020...
    #38     Feb 10, 2015
  9. nursebee


    I find the chart arguments strong. But I do not accept trading based solely on charts.

    I find the lack of fundamental research as a short coming. As an investor/trader, I find this arena to be mudder freakin WAR! Failing to read the master plan, visit a showroom, drive the car, understand the past execution of the business plan is kind of ignorant and short sighted. Those that have not done such research are immature as traders for they fail to know the enemy. That is okay, just your knowledge is incomplete.

    #39     Feb 11, 2015
  10. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    When I read your post, I got the feeling to reread again "One up on wall street" : Peter Lynch explained how he found some of his best investment ideas visiting stores and malls.
    Nice book, and well that was true in 80's, maybe 90's.

    Welcome to the XXIst century !

    I don't need to drive a Tesla, tons of people will do the job and give their experiences on internet !

    Ok Model S is a good car.
    Ok it is a cool design
    But common sense tells me : hey, this is way too expensive!
    Paying price of a top of the class BMW with a Toyota quality and japanese batteries ? NO WAY!

    Fundamental analysis is done.

    I look to my graphs : new low lower, new high lower, new low lower, new high lower (and under Moving Average 200 days of course).
    Tape tells the tale : bear.

    Technical Analysis is done.

    Conclusion. One direction : SOUTH.

    Chris Mac
    #40     Feb 11, 2015