Tesla : BEAR in my opinion, what is the bullish case?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Chris Mac, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. nursebee


    Bearish cases are easy to make from simply looking at charts.
    Bullish cases can be made in other ways, like perhaps driving the car.
    #11     Jan 13, 2015
    bone likes this.
  2. Banjo


    Have a minute free.
    1. 4:52p
      Tesla shares down 4.5%, under $200 in after-hours trade
    2. Tesla CEO says China Q4 sales declined significantly: WSJ
    3. 204.25 [​IMG] 2.04(1.01%) 4:00PM EST
      After Hours : 192.75 [​IMG] 11.50 (5.63%) 4:58PM EST - Nasdaq Real Time Price
    4. China is weak for all the majors. TSLA doesn't have a foothold yet.
    #12     Jan 13, 2015
  3. Banjo


    Typical analysis from people who have to write something every day and have no real world experience in anything but the art of ignorant bullshit.
    This vehicle, if they build it, will be a competitor to the Nissan Leaf.
    BMW also has an entry, but at a higher price point.
    Audi and VW will field models soon. There's a problem for these manufacturers. The same problem telco carriers had with DSL. They owned a gold mine with T1-3 lines, if they made DSL lines available they cannibalised the T biz.
    This makes it very difficult to present electrics as equals to their high end products. They have enormous vested interest in the near future of internal combustion.
    #13     Jan 13, 2015
  4. Banjo


    They have all developed high end electrics.
    TSLA gives away patents because they believe the major marketing problem is not internal combustion competitors but the natural mistrust of electrics. Market penetration of electrics in general will improve their competitive point.
    Elec cars are really "forever" cars. Other than brakes, tires, bearings there's nothing to wear out. Replacement battery packs with new improved pkgs. covers it.
    This brings us to what moves the real world forward, materials engineering.
    #14     Jan 13, 2015
  5. Banjo


    Electricity storage is being addressed as never before with large sums of $$/ research thrown at the science. Not for the benefit of transport but to harness the efforts of wind and solar generation. This requires materials engineering that will naturally be beneficial to transport. It will happen sooner rather than later.
    Other salient factors include the tax breaks. Elec mfgr's ecieve $$ from the govt. for research and then state/ fed govts give tax breaks to purchasers.
    The big auto cos support elec because they're judged on total emissions of all production. SUV's came into being by building the old station wagons on pickup platforms. Pick ups are trucks and allowed higher emissions. They were manipulating the emission rules.
    Some think trucks will never be elec. Those mile long trains we see are diesel elec, The diesel is just a generator of the juice to drive the elec motors on each wheel. That diesel will be replaced with batteries one day.
    Demographics will play a big role. If we're over 40 there's a lot we don't get. I damn sure never texted anybody while driving. It's new to us. Many people in college today will never have anything but elec cars.
    Internal combustion engines will probably be illegal in 20 yrs.
    #15     Jan 13, 2015
  6. Banjo


    Playing TSLA: There are many shorts in TSLA, be careful looking for a long protracted short as many are active players and will cover fast. I suggest a 2hour chart for the most accurate read for short term traders.

    Disclaimer: We have 2 Teslas, a roadster that you will have to kill my wife to take away and an S. As with other new tech applications I'm an early investor, pre IPO. Don't try to outfox the future, it's all about engineering and applications in a way never seen in human history before. The timing of mkts taking notice of that is another matter.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
    #16     Jan 13, 2015
  7. nursebee


    Banjo, if you ever travel my way I have a B-n-b with a Nema 14-50 outlet powered in part by solar. I took a "if you build it they will come" approach, nobody has come yet.

    How invested were you in TSLA? I was near 100% in 2013 for some great gains.
    #17     Jan 13, 2015
  8. traderob


    Those are some ugly looking charts. Couldn't you tweak some beauty into them..
    #18     Jan 13, 2015
  9. Buy1Sell2


    Think the relative had some good sense to decline the suggestion. Risking 40 dollars to make 70 dollars is a fool's game.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
    #19     Jan 13, 2015
  10. Chris Mac

    Chris Mac

    Thank you for all your replies!
    Sorry but I am still not convinced!
    Question of common sense I would say :
    Well, I am not an expert but I prefer to buy a car ready after 3 min charge rather than 30 min!!
    Moreover, Tesla is dependent on Japanese batteries! And you know how Japanese are patriots!

    Conclusion : I continue to be BEAR with Tesla!!

    Remember that what is fashionable can be rapidly out of fashion!
    During the 90's, everyone wanted Nokia phones and hated Apple... You know the end of the story

    Chris Mac
    #20     Jan 14, 2015