Can someone tell me how are these brokers related? terranova trading terranova online terramova-mb mbtrading Thanks, lufan
The first two are the same, the third is legally the same but separate, a branch office. I am not affiliated with them, so I could be wrong, but that is my understanding.
Terra Nova Trading, L.L.C., established in 1994, is a Broker Dealer offering Direct Access Trading to both retail and institutional clients. Terra Nova Online is a division of Terra Nova Trading and TerraNova-MB is a branch office. Both offer access to the markets through one of the premiere trading platforms, RealTick(R), by Townsend Analytics, Ltd. Acting as representatives for accounts held with Terra Nova Trading, both Terra Nova Online and TerraNova-MB fully support their clients on software, trading, and general account questions. TerraNova-MB is based out of California while Terra Nova Online is in Chicago. As for the differences for those who trade through both, they come down to the people you deal with on a daily basis and, to an extent, the promotional deals each offer. Terra Nova Online currently offers a refer a friend promotion in which both parties receive a calendar month of trades at a commission rate of $7.50 and a Tuition Reimbursement Offer in which we will reimburse you for your training course at MarketWise Trading School. If you are looking into trading with a broker that offers RealTick, Terra Nova Online and TerraNova-MB are two of the best. My suggestion would be to check out both websites, call with any questions you have and then decide who you feel you will work with best. Good luck in your search! Michael Garvey Client Services Terra Nova Online
Thanks for both of your responses!! How about mbtrading ? I you look at the comments on the broker forum, what appears to be comments for terranova are mentioned as mbtrading. Is mbtrading part of terranova? Thanks.
Terranova-MB is a branch of Terra Nova Trading while MB Trading is separate Broker Dealer and is not part of Terra Nova. As a branch of Terra Nova Trading, Terranova-MB offers RealTick(R), which is a fully integrated data feed, charting system, and order entry system. Regards, Michael Garvey Client Services Terra Nova Online
Terra Nova-MB used to be called MB Trading. Then the people who run that branch office (of Terra Nova Trading) changed the name to Terra Nova-MB and opened another brokerage that is not affiliated with Terra Nova. They don't use Real Tick, instead they have an order entry module that can be used from within a number of different platforms. I suppose the main reason behind the switch was that now they don't have to pay the fee for Real Tick( neither the monthly charge nor the per trade charges.) That's why they offer lower commisions. It's still the same folks who run Terra Nova-MB, and the same customer service. In fact, not counting legal matters and the name, it's still the same company (sa far as I know.) Voodoo