Term Limits Now! (Here We Go Again - Maybe This Time It Will Stick)

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cstfx, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. BS... NONE!

    We should allow "Constitutional Party" members only to be elected...

    Somebody tries to end-run the Constutiion? FIRING SQUAD!!

    I saw a quote attributed to Bush... something like, "... Stop shoving the Constitution in my face... it's just a goddamn sheet of paper"...

    If that's true, THAT ALONE qualifies him to be on the WORST US PRESIDENTS OF ALL TIME list.

    Obama is doing the same sort of thing...

    10 years from now, the history of the US will show Obama as WORST of all time, Bush as 2nd WORST...
    #21     Nov 11, 2009
  2. Lucrum


    It was an obvious rhetorical question LoZzer.
    #22     Nov 11, 2009
  3. You are obviously the product of inbred of southern cousins...

    #23     Nov 11, 2009
  4. Lucrum


    You're obviously the product of too much kiddie porn and alcohol.
    #24     Nov 12, 2009
  5. Your sub standard thinking is obviously the product of reading ET message boards...

    ...and watching Fox News of course.

    :D :D :D

    #25     Nov 12, 2009
  6. Many of these knuckleheads in congress have completely lost sight of the fact that they are there to TEMPORARILY serve the citizens of this country, not make a profession out of it.

    It's human nature to become power hungry when given that much control for long periods of time. We need to limit their time in office. Look at what we're stuck with now.......this leviathan of a federal government, that was never supposed to be as bloated and heavy handed as it is, trying to control more and more of your life.

    Less federal control and more issues solved at the local level, is what we need.

    Limit terms, smaller federal governerment, choke off their money supply with the FairTax. It can be done, just not now with the dummies we've got.
    #26     Nov 12, 2009
  7. Ricter


    Uhh, I'd like them to make a profession out of it, in the sense that they be a lot more professional.

    As for the temporary part, that's your responsibility: vote.
    #27     Nov 12, 2009
  8. ...but their time is limited in office. The time limit is 2 years for Congress, 6 years for the Senate.

    Then the people vote, and the people decide.

    To deny the people the right to elect their chosen leaders is not in accordance with the concept of a free market.

    No one is forcing any voter to vote in an incumbent...

    #28     Nov 12, 2009
  9. Lucrum


    and how is this working out TrollZz?

    You've said yourself the voters are stupid.

    Wouldn't term limits protect us from ourselves. Kinda like banning guns, which you're in favor of?
    #29     Nov 12, 2009
  10. Yes, voters are stupid. That's a fact.

    However, they should still be able to vote for whomever they like. This is America after all.

    Just as people are stupid enough to watch Fox News...should we limit the time they get to watch Fox News?

    A great idea!!!

    Yet, quite unAmerican to do so, as is the concept of term limits...

    The better course of action is to educate people to make better decisions...not restrict their decisions because they are stupid...

    #30     Nov 12, 2009