Tell me your biggest win or loss

Discussion in 'Trading' started by 1shooter, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. 1shooter


    So what i would like to hear is your biggest wins or loses. And tell me a bit about the time frame and how you figured out how to do it.

    The idea is pretty simple you guys get to brag a bit. And i get to dig a bit deeper in how you guys play the game. I view it as a win win.
    lovethetrade likes this.
  2. That's a long-winded non-answer to OP's question.
  3. +8/-2
    1shooter likes this.
  4. Redneck


    Tell me your biggest win or loss

    Clear eyes..., discipline..., honesty..., humility..., accountability..., independence - financial and personal

    Caring (supplanted w/ objectivity) ..., thinking my opinion / self matter..., delusion..., hoping

    There numerous others..., but I believe these to be the biggest of both for me

    birdman, 1shooter and Cacophonie like this.
  5. I kept reading, thinking you'd answer at some point, but next time I'll know better!
    thaitye and 1shooter like this.
  6. 1shooter


    I suppose what i was looking for, is a situation like a guy on here posted.

    (which i seen on here and just happened)

    He shorted dollar tree, i looked at it and didn't see a pattern. Then i seen it drop like a anchor.

    So i looked a bit deeper, they where on a thread the last quarter from dropping like a brick. ( i assume he lost on the bet maybe wrong) Surprise quarterly earnings had them receiving nice gains that contradicted the previous quarter. So when this qr came out shit went south he bet smart and cashed in.

    Where the information is useful to how he figured it out. Like a puzzle piece.

    Having a plan is great having more tools in your tool box is freaking awesome. So i am not looking for a overall plan. Just simply strategies that worked out for someone. And a big loss doesn't have to be realized. So you set a stop loss and pendulum swings hard the other way. You hit your stop loss not to bad but it keeps running the wrong direction. Did you figure out why or was it a crazy gamble to begin with?

    Some thing more along those lines was the aim. I suppose i assumed people would be intuitive enough my mistake.
  7. Turveyd


    My biggest trade $$$'s wise was a +2.3K ( from memory ) profit, in 3 weeks, I'd placed a trade with a tight ish SL think $100 most likely no real idea, hadn't logged onto account in ages, placed a trade, profit read as 2.3Kish thought WTF closed my position thinking I'd over did the lot size, still showed a profit, checked open positions and ahhhh, CLOSE Profit :)

    Does that count ?? 100% random chance going in my favour!

    Options wise, made $4000 on a SEC warning / stock price crash over night.
    1shooter likes this.
  8. 1shooter


    I suppose its counts as much as a mail ordered bride counts as love. lol

    Sec warning was a sweet one though.
  9. Turveyd


    Googles, Mail Order Bride, tis all about the lust!
    1shooter likes this.
  10. Overnight


    I lost $15K a year ago in about 20 minutes. I figured out how to do it after I closed the trade and made the loss realized. You want me to brag about it? Would that be a win-win for you?

    I have no ego to bruise. What do you want to know?

    And one other thing, 1shooter...

    This ain't a fucking game. Don't treat trading like a game. Please. Take it seriously.
    #10     Aug 25, 2016
    wlnd and 1shooter like this.