Tell Me your best options trading stories!

Discussion in 'Options' started by OTR, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. OTR


    I'm writing a book about options traders and would love to hear your stories. What was your best play? Worst disaster? How'd you get started? What advice would you give beginners? What's your favorite strategies?

    Whatever you feel like writing about. You can post it here, but ultimately I'll need to get a copy emailed from you with a note authorizing me to reprint it (with your name and date).

    Of course, all contributors will receive a free copy of the final product!

    Please email to me at:

    Have Fun!!!,
    Steve Rosenbaum

    Option Trading tools the pros wish they had! A former Chicago Mercantile Exchange
    employee reviews stock option trading software, books, and web sites and online income opportunity.