Tell Me Why This Is Not The Best Way Out

Discussion in 'Economics' started by PAPA ROACH, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. clacy


    Not right now if we chose to get this thing taken care the right way.

    20 years from now however, when most of the Middle East and Asia are nuclear. When the cards (that are being propped up yet once again with paper created out of thin air) come tumbling down, yes, it will become nuclear.
    #11     Oct 15, 2008
  2. I've been saying the same thing for months.

    Every time the government has intervened - every single time - they not only have failed to stabilize the markets, but have rattled confidence and created panic.

    Recessions are not bad. They go hand in hand with the business cycle.

    Letting irresponsible and poorly run companies fail is good policy. It weeds out the weak and vulnerable companies that drain the system, and preserves more capital and support for the successful and budding companies that will thrive in the future.

    I've never seen a more socialistic administration, with the gang that couldn't shoot straight (Bernanke, Paulson, Bush), than this administration.

    That this is a Republican Administration speaks volumes about how Republicans fail to stand for anything anymore, and further explains why so many true conservatives have nothing but scorn for their party.
    #12     Oct 15, 2008
  3. dinoman


    A theory with possible, validity that may be worth exploring. Only time will tell.
    #13     Oct 15, 2008
  4. poyayan


    #14     Oct 15, 2008
  5. A communist system? That's one problem with just letting everything crash and burn. By the time its over people might be so traumatized that there is a permanent shift in ideology away from the current one.

    Who? Name them.
    #15     Oct 16, 2008
  6. Moreagr


    mass more likely... riots and plagues and more wars
    #16     Oct 16, 2008
  7. Moreagr


    #17     Oct 16, 2008
  8. achilles28


    We've already made the shift from pseudo Free Market Capitalism to 100% European Socialism.

    This multi-Trillion dollar bailout is proof of that.

    Or are you so naive to think this bailout is just good "Free Market" Economics??

    In your world, Lows rates and more debt is the solution to low rates and more debt.

    Yet, the Market and Numbers oddly disagree. Don't they?? :cool:

    Still sore from the ass trouncing you got?

    Awwwwww. There, there.
    #18     Oct 16, 2008
  9. achilles28


    From a severe recession?

    Yea, okay.

    More Fear Mongering from the Peanut Gallery.

    We must have low rates or suffer massive deflation - thats already happening!

    Economies are naturally self-righting.

    Its usually when Governments steal wealth by debasing the currency economic turmoil develops.

    Maybe flooding the market with endless free money wasn't such a good idea after all, huh?

    Look where it got us.

    And you monetarists still got your low rates and its not saving shit.

    Except the gluttonous banks. At the expense of the taxpayer, of course.

    Great System.
    #19     Oct 16, 2008
  10. I think most people who belive in a free market (and freedom in general) agree that people and institutions have to pay the price for their actions. Unfortunately that is now how most govt works. Instead the public is manipulated into "solving" ever growing problems with ever greater loss of our freedoms and larger money giveaways to special interests. Since bankers are the most powerful group in the country, it is not surprising that they are grabbing the wealth of future generations at this moment. Maybe one day people will wake up and vote Libertarian - until then my thoughts are to buy precious metals. It is hard to trade in a socialized market like this when deals/giveaways are being made behind closed doors.
    #20     Oct 16, 2008