Television is not your friend

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by mikeriley, May 23, 2024.

  1. mikeriley


    90% of discord, disunity and dissatisfaction would be eliminated if the majority were not so addicted to Television/Entertainment. From the cradle to the grave the majority are fed 24/7 televised propaganda, indoctrinated to never think for themselves. Allowing television to imbue desires to strive for babbles of no real value.

    Always dependent and/or compliant to authority, imprisoned and conditioned by fear to reinforce the illusions of a free society. Contrary to conditioned beliefs and personal biases there's a level of mental-power dynamics hidden from humanity. Turn off your television for 30 days and you might come to the realization that you are more, much more that what religion and modern science teaches.
  2. themickey


    Gotto agree.
    Last several years I could count on one hand how often I turn it on.
    When I watch a video on the internet and there's a news announcer presenting something, it nearly makes me puke, all hollywood egotistics, the announcement is all about the announcer, "look at pretty me, aren't I soooooo handsome and smooth".
    Same with a write up, for some reason they want a picture of their face showing who wrote it.
    I don't know if it's because I'm growing older, but bs seems to be increasing in leaps and bounds.
    nitrene and mikeriley like this.
  3. eleanorK80


    TV is a propaganda instrument that brainwashes everyone's mind. I'm not saying it's all bad, but just be careful. It doesn't let you think.
    BKR88 and themickey like this.
  4. nitrene


    Reading this reminded me of the first song to appear on the original MTV program. It was ironically called Video Killed The Radio Star by The Buggles. Television also destroyed the music industry. Music went from artists who wrote great tracks to who was the best looking & prettiest on the boob tube.

    They took the credit for your second symphony,
    rewritten by machine on new technology,
    and now I understand the problems you can see