Technical stock screener

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by rros, Dec 29, 2009.

  1. rros


    I am trying to find stocks that are trading close to specific technical points. I have never used a trading software before so I am not familiar on how to go about this. The closest thing I have found (free) is this website [] that provides a screen based on moving average crossovers. But the attributes cannot be modified.

    Does anyone know of anything similar that also allows to modify, for example, the time frames for the moving averages?

    Scan for any and everything under the sun. At $25 a quarter it might as well be free.
  3. Can stockfetcher screen for stocks with positive earning and a consecutively positive earnings trend. Thanks
  4. use stockfetcher and complement with finviz. free plus nearly free.
  5. By the way, I forgot to mention that StockFetcher is strictly an End-Of-Day scanner...If you run it during the day, it either takes the most recent price (delayed) or else the previous day's close, but it only works on daily data. You can't run your scan on 5-minute (or even hourly) chart...which sucks, because other than that, it's pretty slick. Not sure about the fundamentals thing as I strictly scan for technical attributes.
  6. rros


    Thanks. Stockfetcher looks fine and at a decent price. Will look into finviz too.