Tech interview preparation

Discussion in 'App Development' started by fan27, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. LOL, I checked it out in incognito. Sig is just jealous I've been bringing home > $300K as a software eng for the last decade. Homie, you get the scraps.

    Edit: and now you're blocked.
    #31     Dec 5, 2019
  2. newwurldmn


    That is a rounding error in my income.
    #32     Dec 5, 2019
    ironchef, Sig and destriero like this.
  3. BTW, I think it's unfair to say how I made what I made (edit: as a software guy). Basically, boils down to this:

    1. Work for yourself (edit: or more accurately, be the product). People like Sig would die without you.
    2. Become an expert in _something_. Today would be ML. Being really good at machine learning is akin to being the first good programmer decades ago. Huge potential. A good ML practitioner who can take project from concept to production on their own would easily, easily make $500K.
    3. Have some self respect
    4. Create multiple streams of income: clients, products, dividends, real estate. For me, in that order. I have impacted thousands of lives directly with my work, millions (billions?) if you count my code that is in Xbox (edit: Wii), and iOS.

    Most of all: don't be a fucking pussy faggot. The world has no obligation to give you anything. You must open your ass and give it shit that solves problems before it will pay you a goddamn cent.

    Yes, the Asian and White guys who go to the right schools get FANMG jobs right out of school where they make more than $300K. They last 3-5 years. What I gave you above lasts for a lifetime.

    Don't be Sig.

    Make the world your bitch.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2019
    #33     Dec 5, 2019
  4. The newlstrrm guy says this: That is a rounding error in my income.

    First off, I said > $300K. Last year was $600K (I posted it on Twitter - which gets auto deleted). I just use $300K because that's the amount under discussion.

    Next, for $300K to be a rounding error, you would have to make 60 or 600 million.

    I don't think Ray Dalio is on this website. So, you're full of shit.
    #34     Dec 5, 2019
  5. newwurldmn


    You’ve gone off your rocker.

    I shouldn’t have posted a comment about my income. It’s tacky. I will say this. You are correct I don’t make 60mm. But my monthly income swings more than your annual.
    #35     Dec 5, 2019
  6. LOL. So you're full of shit. Like I said.
    #36     Dec 5, 2019
  7. newwurldmn


    For a guy who has me on ignore, you respond to me pretty fast.

    Think whatever you want. But I don't lie (even on anonymous forums).
    #37     Dec 5, 2019
  8. I'm done for the day and I'm trying to find stuff to do. I still see you responded but I don't see what you say until I click "reply".

    If you didn't lie, then how is it that you don't know that $300K as a rounding error would be 60 or 600 million depending on whether you went to public or private school?

    Could it be... That you're full of shit?

    Alright bro, I think that's good enough. Have a good one.
    #38     Dec 5, 2019
  9. Sig


    So first off, @nooby_mcnoob you've got a history here at ET of being, shall we say, economical with the truth ( so pretty much any bragging from you can be discounted as bullshit.

    Second, you've got a history here on ET of self-contradiction and ignoring inconvenient questions (see the entire thread) which you're obviously continuing with this thread. That impresses exactly no-one.

    Finally, you allegedly block someone and then go on incognito to see what they said......Seriously? There's gotta be some mental issues going on there!

    As I've offered to several bullshitters here (and remarkably they never take me up on it), just PM me and I'm happy to set up a meeting at my office where we can talk about my current company as well as my previous one. Heck we can even talk about my previous military career if you're interested. No need to talk numbers here, but I will say it's laughable that I'd be jealous of a $300K salary....even granted that the number you threw out is a complete fabrication (see timeline in, you apparently can't keep your made up shit straight and seem to forget that it all stays here for anyone interested to read). So tough guy, any time you want to answer the specific questions I posed in this thread before you went all snowflake triggered on me and put me on ignore (except you couldn't actually ignore) and any time you want to meet in person to go over financials, just let me know. Until then, you know what they say about bullshit walking.
    #39     Dec 5, 2019
  10. Apparently I just have to respond to see your word vomit.

    Rent free. I live rent free in your head.
    #40     Dec 5, 2019