Teaching the Wife to Trade

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Arthur Deco, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Are you profitable?

    #11     Sep 15, 2010
  2. Art Deco, I think the newguy is showing interest in becoming your boyfriend.
    #12     Sep 15, 2010
  3. Obscenely so.
    #13     Sep 15, 2010
  4. MGJ


    I executed the plan below with SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) and it worked quite well, for the two of us. Whether it will work well for the two of you, needs to be determined by experiment.
    1. Set aside D dollars for SWMBO's trading ventures.
    2. Using (D/2) dollars, open an account in SWMBO's name with a system-assist broker who will execute a system for you. A so-called robobroker.
    3. Give the robobroker your trading system. If you're paranoid, give it in encrypted form. If you're ultraparanoid, put in a time-bomb so the system will stop working after N months, then encrypt it. Supply a new version (time bombed and encrypted) every (N-1) months.
    4. Using (D/2) dollars, open an account in SWMBO's name at IB or another discount broker.
    5. Teach SWMBO how to download price data and run the trading system software.
    6. Teach SWMBO how to place orders, get statements, etc., at the discount broker.
    7. SWMBO and the robobroker both run your system for 24 months.
    8. Compare monthly statements.
    9. After 24 months, decide whether to put all the money with the robobroker, all the money with SWMBO's trading, or continue with the half-and-half arrangement.
    disclaimer: our success with this procedure may be partly due to the fact that, eons ago, SWMBO earned an MBA degree. So she may have begun the trading procedure, less fearful and less misinformed than the nationwide average. Or, maybe not?
    #14     Sep 15, 2010
  5. Wait. Don't tell me. I'll guess that you are a discretionary trader. In clear contradistinction to a rigorous system trader.
    #15     Sep 15, 2010
  6. Brilliant! But I can't risk putting my primary system in anyone else's hands. It is transparently simple. So I made it transparently simple for wife-for-life. See the attached. It has a "get ready to go" light and a "go" light backed up by audibles. I could display it on a small cell phone screen. What sticks in her craw is that it has an average loss of $60 per contract. That's a pair of on-sale shoes, doncha know?
    #16     Sep 15, 2010
  7. Hello ET World,

    Personally, I would never even consider giving anyone including wife my trading system. In fact it never crossed my mind and I wonder why that is LOL!!! But seriously, not everyone is meant to be a trader.. That's my advice to you!!! Take it or leave it but do not share your trading system with others no matter what..
    #17     Sep 15, 2010
  8. In all seriousness. I could die in the next 30 years or the next 30 seconds. I want my wife to benefit from what I have achieved. IMO a robust trading system is a family legacy. If you are a rigorous systematic trader, you know the intellectual horsepower that goes into discovering and maintaining a system. How to transmit that legacy via a person without the particular skill set it took to get there? I think it can be done. But it's a WIP. My wife is a nurse, about the polar opposite of me. But so far, she gets it. Can I teach her to maintain EasySignal code? To learn the subleties of optimization? To recognize when there is a sea-change in the market? Fuck! I can hardly do that meself!
    #18     Sep 15, 2010
  9. deuce bigalow male gigolo? heh

    Then show your woman the annual p&l and tell her "honey, if you learn this shit, you can buy your own gucci and prada instead of finding some old guy when i am gone"
    #19     Sep 15, 2010
  10. In all seriousness. I could die in the next 30 years or the next 30 seconds. I want my wife to benefit from what I have achieved

    Frankly I've thought the same thing. After serious consideration I have reached the conclusion that unless I can put everything she needs to know on an index card, fugehdaboutit, her attention span isn't that good.:D After putting on makeup and jewelry, doesn't leave much time for anything else.
    #20     Sep 15, 2010