Teachers Unions & poor education in America

Discussion in 'Economics' started by hippie, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. There is always one. LOL
    Seriously most start talking to radiators by the time they hit their 25th year. Few go on till 30.
    #101     Feb 9, 2011
  2. You are talking before they get tenure. Right?

    After they done an adequate job for 5 years, they get tenure. Then they slack.

    The idea of TENURE for teaching is ridiculous. This is esp true for primary and secondary schools.
    #102     Feb 10, 2011
  3. Exactly, thank you so much for the link.

    If they still need physics or math teachers in NYC, I may go there and get for a job. lol
    #103     Feb 10, 2011
  4. Before tenure they give you 2 weeks notice. No need to go for 3 U ratings. Generally they wait till the summer to tell you you have no longer a job, you know the last day of school, you thinking you have a great summer ahead of you and then they drop it! LOL

    In the meantime the asshole who is fucking the AP and is slacking off gets to stay or get tenure.
    #104     Feb 10, 2011
  5. How do you know this? Did you teach in NYC ?
    #105     Feb 10, 2011
  6. Physics, you will probably have a job by semptember.
    Now, prepare yourself to be called all kinds of names, kicked, pushed down the stairs, slapped, punched, have your car's window or tires slashed, have chewing gum stuck to your chair so that when you sit you get a nasty stain.

    The last one was in the old days when you could sit between periods. Now it is a big no no. Even when you take attendance you have to stand and walk around the class (Iam being super serious). Between periods, your position is right by the front door where your task is to "welcome students" to your class.

    You didn't really think it is like Glee or something right? Now at least in NYC you are doing it for decent $ (relatively). Now imagine doing it for 30K and with sucky retirenment plan and almost non existent health coverage which btw is probably 50% of teaching jobs out there (outside of NYC). Trust me it ain't all that.

    and I have not mentioned the abuse done by administration or all kinds of nasty stuff students pull. (accusations of racism, sexual stuff etc). Then it really gets interesting.
    #106     Feb 10, 2011