TDA -Schwab

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by Arnie Guitar, May 11, 2024.

    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    athlonmank8 likes this.
  2. poopy


    lol transition to Schwab. This is satirical, no?
    SunTrader and athlonmank8 like this.
  3. BKR88


    But I did take screenshots of all positions and balances friday after close. Trust but verify. :)
  4. So far I'm not optimistic.
    gkishot likes this.
  5. taowave


    same here

    BKR88 likes this.
  6. I own 200 shares of Schwab. I optioned 100 at $65...I forget the date, it should get called away. The other 100 I am letting it ride. Consolidation and eliminate redundancy...An industry leader with assets under management!!
  7. Overnight


    TD Amerishwaub. Why the fuck is everyone piping up like this is some surprise? This has been 5+ years in the making. WTF you goobers?

    Huh? Pay attention you dumb fucks! Wake the fuck up to what your broker is doing!!!!!

    "In November 2019, Charles Schwab announced its acquisition of TD Ameritrade for $26 billion. The deal closed a year later..."

    You people are hopeless.
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    SunTrader likes this.
  8. taowave


    Ummmmm,they are moving our accounts this weekend..

    No access till Monday

    vic38 and athlonmank8 like this.
  9. I got moved to Schwab last October/November.
    Works fine.
    1) can buy my own T-Bills from the offerings page.
    1) holding periods less intuitive than AMTD.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  10. FSU


    This weekend is the final transition away from TD. It is reasonable that people are worried the actual transition goes smoothly, even it was known in advance. Will all settings, studies, assets, permissions, etc. be transferred correctly? Will trading be allowed at exactly the time they promise? These all seem like reasonable concerns.
    #10     May 12, 2024
    gkishot, vic38 and taowave like this.