TC2000 Brokerage... anyone using them? thoughts?

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by osaga, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. osaga


    Hey guys/gals...

    Last time this was asked on this forum was 2016 and no responses. Anyone now using the TC2000 Brokerage to trade off their charts? I know it's really just IB with the TC2000 commission structure.

    Anyone have experience using them? Good? Bad?

    Any responses would be really appreciated.

    Thank You!
  2. define good or bad?
    it depends on what you want.
    if you are willing to over trade you need to check low commission websites.
    check this website for comparisons :
  3. osaga


    I'm looking for general feedback/reviews on TC2000 as a broker. Nothing more. I'm also only looking for replies from people who have actually had experience with this broker.
  4. zdreg


    you are pretty picky for someone who has received zero responses.
  5. osaga


    you are pretty annoying for someone who responded
  6. zdreg


    your response shows a short fuse. it is not a recipe for success.
    osaga likes this.
  7. Jack1960


    You must have extra money to burn. Why would you want to go with them?
  8. osaga


    If anyone has used the TC2000 brokerage I welcome your feedback. Thanks
    rossneptune likes this.
  9. Run .... I used them for awhile but the data was inaccurate, support was terrible. I tried real hard to stay with them but was not worth it. Compared to all the other platforms it is too expensive, inaccurate, and crappy service. They should just stick to the pretty graphs and get out of the brokerage side. My opinion is based on trying my best to use them for months .. Avoid