Taxing the rich will not solve the problem.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by morganist, Oct 23, 2012.

  1. You are a smart guy like I. I have spent extensive time in Europe.

    If you ever expat to Europe make sure it is country that has good social service because of your condition you mentioned before.

    Those countries are higher tax ( Scandinavian,Germany, England ), but I can tell you first hand the real low tax countries, with the exception of Ireland, have shit for social service.

    Don't even think about going to the former Easter Bloc where my wife is from and expect to get good health care and social services because it ain't happening.

    My buddy in Ukraine, said the public hospital is freakin' scary everyone pays for the private that can afford to. Their idea of health care in Easter Europe is often grab a bottle and drink your problems away.

    And most FSU countries don't take kindly to pot smokers at all, the attitude is changing in the Czech Republic, but try that in Russia and Ukraine their jails make ours look like playgrounds.
    #41     Nov 16, 2012
  2. not sure what condition you are talking about, I think in 2012 I spent $132 on health care, and most of that was just a waste of time and money that I could have got cheaper at the pharmacy, if they let the pretty little girl there give me what I needed.

    But I do like smoking that pot. You say they don't let you do that in Russia? Gosh dang man, it's just as evil as they taught me it was in school.
    #42     Nov 16, 2012