Taxing Rich 100% Won't Dent Deficit or Debt

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Aug 20, 2011.

  1. I want to live in a country where we say, Come to America, where 50% are considered poor and pay no taxes and 50% are considered rich and do pay taxes.

    You may start out poor, but the good thing is you pay no taxes. But if you work hard and make good decisions you can become rich and pay taxes.

    It's not impossible, half of all Americans are rich. And because we want you to be rich, we give you a tax break while you're poor.

    It is a status symbol to complain about taxes because only the rich pay taxes.

    If you ever complain that the rich are not paying enough taxes, please don't come here, and if you are here please go somewhere else.
    #11     Aug 21, 2011
  2. But I thought it was a spending problem. Raise taxes on the wealthy? No can do. Just cut spending. Raise taxes on the working class? No problemo. Everybody must pitch in. So your position is, raising taxes on the working poor is a great idea, but taxes for the wealthy must not be raised, in fact they must be lowered. Nice. The people that broke the system in the first place are not held to account and the victims must pay the tab to fix it. This is the primary reason repubs will lose next November, even if the economy is still in the tank. Until those that busted this country are held accountable, you can forget about your republican agenda of punishing the working class for the crimes committed by the wealthy.

    And I agree, everyone should pay something. Perhaps you can share that with those chosen few in corporate America that pay nothing, contribute nothing, and just feed of the system like a swarm of locusts.
    #12     Aug 21, 2011
  3. How much more are you willing to pay?
    #13     Aug 21, 2011
  4. g222


    Quote from 377ohms:

    So ... Lemme get this straight ... unless you get your way, you'll NOT buy capital equipment, you'll NOT hire a sole, and you WILL take steps to defer your income and capital gains taxes ... hm-m-m-m-m-m.

    Have you found these types of threats to be useful in your business career?? Do you REALLY think that those who are so obviously ... 'subordinate' ... to you live solely for the pleasure of being bullied around ???

    Well, I think you might be mistaken. I think part of the 'grumbling' youi're hearing today is from the 'herd' becoming fed up (no pun intended) with being threatened and bullied.

    I heard it asked the other evening: "Do you really think that extra taxes are going to get Exxon out of the oil drilling business? Of course not!" Well ... if extra taxes - or anything else, for that matter - would get you to follow thur on your threats ... then seeya!!! Thankfully, the way our market works, someone with a little more business savvy will come along and fill what little void you would have left - in a New York second.

    And by the way ... when appropriate, I uaually express that no disrespect is intended by my remarks. However, with bullies, I make an exception.
    #14     Aug 21, 2011
  5. What a perfect read given the "give me some" attitude on display.

    The 'Selfish' Rich
    By Charlotte Cushman
    August 21, 2011

    I am so sick and tired of blood sucking, looting politicians who espouse taxing the rich in order to get them to pay their "fair share." This is a blatant immoral assault against every American, because it denies every person the right to keep what he has earned. But wait, now we have some new information:
    The article goes on to say, "Because the rich gloss over the ways family connections, money and education helped, they come to denigrate the role of government and vigorously oppose taxes to fund it."

    So now the Left has a new line of attack. Let's tell the public that the rich are intrinsically flawed. After all, that will justify stealing from them. The way you prove this is to accuse them of being "selfish." because everyone agrees that selfishness is bad. Except, wait. No, we don't, all agree with that.

    Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Keltner that the Declaration of Independence gave Americans the right to live their own lives and pursue their own happiness. That sounds like an "ideology of self-interest" to me. We must be honest. Acting in one's best self-interest is selfish.

    Most people cringe when they hear the word selfish. We have been taught since we were children that selfishness is bad. We immediately visualize the person who lies, steals, and steps on everyone else's toes to get what he wants irrespective of those he hurts along the way. But a person like that is not acting in his best self-interest and will not achieve true happiness, therefore, he isn't truly acting selfishly.

    People, for the most part, want to live their own lives, provide for their families and earn a living. Then, if they are so bold as to work hard, save their money and cross a line and enter into the world of the rich, they are vilified. Now suddenly they are different, bad, "selfish" and they don't care about others because they want to keep what they have earned.

    If we are to win the war against Socialism (in all it's variants), it is the concept of selfishness, the right to act in one's best rational self-interest that we must defend, because that is the moral base of the American system, and it is required by our very nature to be able to pursue happiness. That is what freedom is all about, being able to live your life the way you want to as long as you respect the rights of others. And if you become rich along the way, by working hard, you get to keep what you earn.

    John Adams said it best. "It must be remembered that the rich are people as well as the poor; that they have rights as well as others; that they have as clear and as sacred a right to their large property as others have to theirs which is smaller; that oppression of them is as possible and as wicked as to others."

    Wealth has to be created and Americans created it by living and working for themselves. They pursued their own happiness as envisioned by the Founders. If we want to save our country, we must fight for the morality that underlies it's survival, that it is moral to act in one's best self-interest.
    #15     Aug 21, 2011
  6. Half of Americans pay ZERO federal income tax while the top 5% pay 59%. And the system didn't make them rich, they for the most part made themselves rich within the system. You sound very bitter and envious... does being so oblivious help you cope with your own lack of success?
    #16     Aug 21, 2011
  7. Its true
    #17     Aug 21, 2011
  8. #18     Aug 21, 2011
  9. 377OHMS


    Say what you will. Not a person hired or a capital equipment purchase until our Marxist dictator is deposed. Income deferred and very aggressive tax filings. There have been discussions of moving to Shanghai but some partners have children in school here and so that is a non-starter for now.

    These aren't threats. They are the response of a privately held firm to the unfriendly/unstable business climate promoted by the Obama regime.

    I'm not sure how that is bullying but if you want to disrespect go right ahead. I don't give a shit what you think because you are just another liberal idiot embittered by the abject failure of liberal policies. Eat shit libtard.
    #19     Aug 21, 2011
  10. g222


    Our populace can pretty much be divided into two segments: non-business and business … using a broad brush here, I know.

    Let there be no doubt that there are those within the non-business segment who spend their time thinking up ways to extend their free ride. We’ve all either had a personal experience or saw something thru the media. Although it’s hard to imagine, the business segment has no need to conduct TOO an extensive a search to find a few vultures in its own midst, either. We’ve all had a personal experience or saw something in the media … just not as much. Could be that … because the media is an element of the business segment … who knows. That’s just to say, that the stench of a skunk has no bearing on what he’s driving, what he’s wearing or where he’s living …

    Which brings up an interesting question … I wonder how the percentage comparisons would be for:
    #non-business skunks vs. non-business populace, vis-à-vis #business skunks vs. business populace
    #20     Aug 21, 2011