Taxes under Barack Obama for futures

Discussion in 'Trading' started by ggoyal, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. This is a very serious reply.

    If even Bush Sr increased taxes just after campaigning "read my lips no more taxes"
    What can you expect of someone who already during campaign promises to rise taxes?
    #11     Oct 29, 2008
  2. GTS


    I just saw an Obama commercial and would have sworn he said that taxes wouldn't go up on families making less than $200k.

    WTF - I thought he has been saying again and again that $250k was the threshold... did his tax plan just change?
    #12     Oct 29, 2008
  3. clacy


    As crgarcia just said, if he's playing with the numbers now, a week out from the election, wait until he gets elected. These Democrats have been foaming at the mouth and Bush is probably the most hated man in the US. These guys have been out of power for a while now (and truly feel that Gore won in 2000), and they are going to be out for their pound of flesh.

    Hopefully they overstep and the voters make them pay in 2010 or 2012.

    I could handle Barack a lot better if the Republicans could take back one or both hosues.
    #13     Oct 29, 2008
  4. Avi 8

    Avi 8

    Yes, and he's not even in office!

    The amount was lowered to 200k over the weekend.
    #14     Oct 29, 2008
  5. It was lowered AGAIN today to 150K---

    Anyone voting for Obama is lighting their own match while standing in a pool of gas.
    #15     Oct 29, 2008
  6. GTS


    Not it matters much now but does anyone know if the moving target of $250k/$200k is referring to adjusted gross income or taxable income? I'm hoping its the latter.
    #16     Oct 29, 2008
  7. You forgot option 4... Reduce military and intelligence of the U.S. to levels equal to a marginal 3rd world country. Without these expenses his plans are partially possible. He can do this of course because the world worships him and recognizes he is out for the global good. So no more terrorist attacks will happen simply because the world loves him. :eek:
    #17     Oct 29, 2008
  8. tortoise


    will someone explain something to me, please?

    barack obama is as far left-of-center as any major party presidential nominee in the history of this country. Arguably, he's further to left than anyone who's come before.

    not saying that's bad. just saying that's what it is.


    to put it another way, obama is george mcgovern...without the military experience.

    and we all know what happened to mcgovern when he ran against one of the most loathed incumbants in u.s history. (for those who don't know, mcgovern ran against nixon and lost in every state, including his own home state of south dakota, but massachusetts)


    So here's the thing...

    if, by some long shot, obama were to lose to mccain -- even if he were to lose oh-so-narrowly -- we're told that this would be due to racism.

    In other words, it would not be due to the fact that his politics are of the sort that's never gone down well in a national campaign. No, in this case, the root cause would be racism.

    i'm sorry, what am i not getting here?
    #18     Oct 29, 2008
  9. poyayan


    #19     Oct 29, 2008
  10. That is outdated.

    Obama already lowered it to 200k, and just yesterday in a national interview Biden said 150k.

    They are all liars anyway.

    They will tax the balls off everyone over 100k by the time they're done, and "redistribute" it to other people who didn't earn it!!!!

    Hope you Obama imbeciles enjoy giving "your piece of the pie" to a bunch of lazy assholes who don't work because they know they can sit home and collect free $$$ from the government.
    #20     Oct 29, 2008