Tax Increases coming up

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by countryBoy641, May 8, 2024.

  1. Arnie


    His plan has 0 chance of becoming law.
    #11     May 10, 2024
  2. The Roth IRA was some of the best legislation ever created in the USA. Murray is correct, as long as you are at least 59 1/2 when you start your withdrawals, and you have had a funded Roth for at least 5 years, it is completely free of taxes.

    What many do NOT know about, and I did a lot of research on it, is that your 5 year waiting period starts on the day you funded ANY Roth IRA! I opened one in the mid-90's, so the 5 year clock started that year. In my current Roth just yesterday I requested a distribution via an ACH, easy and quick and in my wallet free of taxes.

    I still have a couple other Futures accounts, but in time I will quite likely fade them out. In my present Roth I can trade Futures, options on Futures, other options, stocks, ETF products. Easily one of the best moves I ever made!

    Country Boy and others, I share your concerns about the direction of the country and tax structures etc. I travelled to and lived in communist/authoritarian countries long ago as part of my research and studies, not the political system I want to live under here! Murray, your state of TN is indeed drawing increasing numbers of those seeking greater freedoms including state tax laws, I know a family that just moved there for that very reason.
    #12     May 11, 2024
    countryBoy641 likes this.
  3. My current domicile is in Delaware.
    I also owned a building lot in Tennessee (Tellico Village, southwest of Knoxville).
    Moving to Delaware was more simple in the short run.
    So that's what happened.
    And excellent MDs in DE,
    I found out, all grandkids LOVE the beach in summer
    Screw it.
    I just pay the DE tax.
    Thanks for the info on Roth IRA Conversion, etc.
    I never trusted any of that stuff
    This country is turning a new chapter.
    Mirrors the fall of Rome.
    Same as the morality plays of the Middle Ages.
    Anybody with an Internet Connection can follow it real time.
    Biblical in scope.
    Last edited: May 12, 2024
    #13     May 12, 2024
    MarkBrown likes this.