Tax Deal Finalized

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Mercor, Dec 31, 2012.

  1. yes, it's always a bad idea to invade Canada, that hasn't changed

    What also hasn't changed is good and evil.

    In all our stories, the Americans are good and the English are evil.

    And that goes for the whole world.

    Show me the story where the British are good and the Kenyans are evil.

    You are good at forming Empires

    we are good at letting you know we don't like it

    who do you think is going to be the hero in the book?

    As a matter of fact, other than James Bond, I can't think of a single hero in any conflict where the good guy represented the English.

    It's a simple fact. Everything that is British is evil. And everyone who rebels against it is good. And that over here is how we measure ourselves. If we become too much like you, we know we are becoming too evil.
    #11     Jan 1, 2013