Tax Day Fact Check: Most Americans Got A Tax Cut This Year

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Free Thinker, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. I have to admit. I was pleasantly surprised with my taxes this year. Tax liability 21% of gross income. BUT, without all my deductions it was easily 30%+.

    I`m not happy about paying taxes. But I am grateful to have income. :)
    #11     Apr 15, 2010
  2. Wonder what the market would be doing if "left to fail" held sway? Thats not a rhetorical question.
    #12     Apr 15, 2010
  3. +1
    #13     Apr 15, 2010
  4. Ricter


    There are several major variables that can (and no doubt will) change, such that one does not really have a strong case for worrying about what may happen. (Caution is in order of course.) There are in fact ways to "get around it", spending cuts elsewhere, obviously, and success with the export initiative, come to mind.

    And even worst case, and the "hard" taxation levies do occur, the good news is that they will occur on top of a taxation rate low, all other variables held constant.

    This is quite simply, good news.
    #14     Apr 15, 2010
  5. Yes, there are others. And while I think it's important to consider the effect of current policy on future generations, let us not forget that experts on both sides of the political divide believed that the economy was in serious trouble of a major collapse. Looking forward is good, but you still need to deal with the potholes right in front of you, especially when they resemble the Grand Canyon. You don't just close your eyes and wish it away.

    That was not meant as an insult, but rather as an observation. If you find the observation insulting then that is your burden to bear.

    As for the other thread to which you refer, I am not the one who demonstrated that he was all bark and gummy bite. As a moderator, I would think that you should at least conduct yourself by the standards that you YOURSELF had set. Perhaps I'm missing something.
    #15     Apr 15, 2010
  6. Hello


    The words Liberal and economist put together are a joke, even in the ultra left wing universities, There is not an economics teacher in the world who will tell you that taxing people more and higher government spending provides economic growth. You cant Find me a single economics text book today which teaches that. The only way for the government to provide economic growth is by running budget deficits. Which ends up being a huge tax on all of us in the end.
    #16     Apr 15, 2010
  7. Yup, cutting taxes and then starting a war is what all economists recommend.
    #17     Apr 15, 2010
  8. It is my belief you are missing quite a deal. But if the previous post was not meant as an insult, then I apologize for taking it so.
    #18     Apr 15, 2010
  9. What would a no tax USA look like?

    Seriously, what would it look like?

    There is a very flawed assumption that the majority of Americans are lazy, don't want to work, just want a free ride...

    This simply is not true.

    There is a rather small percentage who doesn't want to be a contributing member of society, but the right wingers make it out as if half the people in America are lazy bums...

    Just a lie, and a fabrication, and it comes home to roost after 8 years of Bush pampering the wealthy and the bloat of corporate greed...
    #19     Apr 15, 2010
  10. TGregg


    The federal debt, massive government spending, giant entitlement programs and huge voter lust for more great gobs of all three of these combined with the fact that half the voters don't pay income tax means only one thing - taxes and spending are going to go up, Up, UP.

    We were spending money we didn't have, and now we are spending money our kids won't have. That's not a recipe for a prosperous future, that's a map to self-inflicted pain.
    #20     Apr 15, 2010