Tax cuts and war

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dr.Greenback, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. Rising energy prices over the next ten years is going to cause inflation, this should be Americas main concern, never has oil stayed this high for so long, never. The market is telling us something and we had better pay attention.

    America can take the lead on this, I am sick of seeing MADE IN CHINA on every single thing I buy, its all throw away junk.

    We american use to make things, good thing that would last decades, what happened?
    #11     Apr 23, 2007
  2. They will "cash in" the trust fund?

    LOL, dude, all they have in that "trust fund" is IOU's from the US Government. And additionally, since they are using the surplus of SS revenues over payouts to make the budget deficit look smaller (and have been since the days of Pres Johnson), the are going to find at the same time that the deificit grows by another $150 billion as those payouts start rising.

    Are they going to double taxes? Naaaaaa. Maybe a little, but most of the answer will be that they print the money to write the checks and pretend somehow that the inflation it will cause didn't occur. Just like they have been doing, but on a much larger scale, that's all.

    There was some news today where the government admitted the whole thing is toast by 2019.
    #12     Apr 23, 2007
  3. Fair points gentlemen, however, that trust fund will still show a net growth due to interest accumulated on those bonds a little longer than is suggested. Furthermore, the economy is strong and earnings are up. Therefore, that trust fund won't go bankrupt anytime soon.

    The doom and gloomers crowd predict slow growth in a weak earnings economy. There's nothing now that validates this opinion. Any theorist alluding to this are merely "top pickers" at best. But, if liberals have there way, meaning higher taxes coupled with excess government spending in social programs; There will be a problem. My point being; If the US creates a deficit which leads to stronger earnings and lower unemployment; it's fine. And this is the situation we have now. :cool:
    #13     Apr 23, 2007
  4. Cesko


    Actually if the U.S. was a private corporation it would most likely have even higher debt to equity ratio in order to employ capital more efficiently.
    #14     Apr 23, 2007
  5. sprstpd


    How does Bush promote conservative economic policies? All I see him doing is spending like there is no tomorrow.

    I count myself as a liberal and I don't hate America and don't hate capitalism. Everything is not black and white. Christianity has its merits but it has also been used to condone many attrocious acts. I cannot stand politicians who do not adhere to separation of church and state. Please keep your religious zealotry out of running the government.
    #15     Apr 23, 2007
  6. I'm not a liberal, nor do I hate America, Capitalism or Christianity.

    But the point was that the pooch is being screwed by wildly-insane-liberal- type-of-spending undertaken by this republican administration during "war-time." That is a fact that cannot be denied.

    With regard to the's obvious by your post that you have not been to Europe lately. Try $12 for a mug of warm swill. A couple of those and fish and chips sets you back $150....for a cheap night out.

    Asia....that's too funny. The majority of Chinese in the east have a better standard the do most in southeastern part of the US.

    Liberals may suck...but in the last several years it's the republicans that have ruined this country.

    #16     Apr 23, 2007
  7. TGregg


    I'll agree with that, but this thread clearly needs to go visit P&R CC.
    #17     Apr 23, 2007
    #18     Apr 24, 2007
  9. To all the liberals out there. I have two words. LAFFER CURVE!..hahaha.:p

    Just joking. but I had to take a shot at cha!:cool:
    #19     Apr 26, 2007
  10. sprstpd


    I guess if you have to explain the joke, it loses something. I looked up Laffer Curve and couldn't see the humor. Forgive my ignorance.
    #20     Apr 26, 2007