Tastytrade Review + Criticism

Discussion in 'Options' started by Lucas, May 27, 2015.

  1. That's funny, I think the world is full of idiots who make comments without backing any of it up with anything, and somehow think that simply declaring something as true makes it true.

    Ok champ, you're right because you say so. Awesome. You've not yet, and definitely won't back anything up you've said with any proof at all. It'll be nothing but jag off anonymous chat forum crap until the end of your miserable and unprofitable trading days...

    Hey, remember those idiot viewers I was referring to? Yeah, you guessed it :)
    #81     Aug 12, 2015
  2. DTB2


    There's the ad hominen I've been expecting.

    That's what happens when one strongly defends a position that they admit to "I haven't seen them make any claims for expected annual returns, but then I don't watch the show religiously or anything. I've seen several, and never got the impression they were claiming astronomical returns. I've always been left with the impression they are just scalping the VRP for about 10% annually through systematic trading rules."
    #82     Aug 12, 2015
    traderlux likes this.
  3. You need to look up the definition of ad hominem.

    Since you've not stated any positions what so ever, have no point that you are defending, have not backed up a single thing you've said, it's not an ad hominem to say what I said. I am simply calling you an idiot. It has nothing to do with your complete lack of an argument, it's just you directly.

    Do you understand the difference now? Probably not... :)

    Don't use words you don't know the definition of, and don't watch a show you don't have the gray matter to comprehend. If you're too much of a knuckle dragger to interpret what the guys on that show are saying, then why twist your puny little brain in a knot over it? Why waste time critiquing what you don't understand?

    Just don't watch the damn show, watch cartoons instead.
    #83     Aug 13, 2015
  4. ok, this is getting good now, I am getting the pop corn, don't quit now guys, bring it on and step it up, we need a winner as my buddy Charlie says....

    #84     Aug 13, 2015
  5. DTB2


    No winners, never is in a VIXtrader thread. It ends the same, with another person putting him on ignore.

    Oh well.
    #85     Aug 13, 2015
  6. Again I'm going to have to disagree with you. Threads on Elite trader end with the experienced traders (not many of us around here) schooling the clowns who apparently haven't passed grade 8 math class (lots of you types all over this forum)

    About half my posts are informative and people like them. The other half are me simply ridiculing fools with zero trading experience and a total lack of gray matter yet still posting as if they know something. My biggest pet peeve in life is stupidity, so I'm sorry if that comes across from time to time on an anonymous chat forum. I tend not to lose sleep over it, but it does appear you're feelings are very hurt, not surprising...

    Don't underestimate the power of public ridicule :) If you don't like it, stop making unfounded assertions 0.02$
    #86     Aug 14, 2015
    NeedMoreTheta, Chubbly and samuel11 like this.
  7. Macca1


    I'm really not sure what you're arguing here, you've already stated that you haven't seen them make any claims for expected annual returns, and that you don't watch the show religiously- so how exactly would you know what's been said live on air? All you're doing is making assumptions.

    It looks like you're misinterpreting the 1% per day, as you seem to think that 1% per day would equal some astronomical ROC, however that 1% per day is referring to a 1% return on allocated capital- not a 1% return on your total account. Also, Sos doesn't talk about 1% daily theta decay, he talks about 1/10th of 1%.

    He only allures to making 7-10% pa( 0.25% ROC per day) using 10% of your capital. However a viewer with a typical tasty trade size account( 5-10k), can't only use 10% of their capital whilst following the TT mantra of "trade small, trade often". They have to take on more risk, allocating a higher percentage of their portfolio( this is the expectation), hence a typical viewer sized account should expect a greater ROC on their total account...Much greater than 7-10%pa
    #87     Aug 14, 2015
    #88     Aug 15, 2015
  9. Thanks for the quote Diamond Geezer-sorry about the typo's-wonder how Karen the super trader is doing?
    #89     Aug 22, 2015
  10. If Karen survived today she's pretty lucky. In one of the interviews she describes the flash crash and how she had to "work" with TD ameritrade on rolling out her positions. She got more aggressive in recent years based on the recent interviews and sold twice as many puts as calls. If you looked how the open was traded today, it looked like lots of liquidations happened. Who knows though, she may have called it a day and maybe was watching from the sidelines. All I can say is I wish I did the same ;)
    #90     Aug 24, 2015
    Macca1 likes this.