Tastytrade Review + Criticism

Discussion in 'Options' started by Lucas, May 27, 2015.

  1. Yes, there is an edge there and that is a profitable long term strategy, fact. I know option traders as a whole like to pretend there's some merit to being as complicated as humanly possible (myself included) the truth is sticking to very simple trade rules like the ones above taken from TT actually do work, to the tune of about 7-10% a year on average.

    It works, period. So criticizing Tasty Trade for something that is quantifiably true seems silly to me. Now if the guys on Tasty Trade ever claim that those trade rules could yield higher than 10% a year, then I'd take issue with it. But as long as they are stating realistic expectations of 7-10%, then they are absolutely correct.

    The problem is, VERY few people have the trading discipline to follow such simple and easy trading rules month after month, year after year, decade after decade.
    #71     Aug 8, 2015
    kinggyppo likes this.
  2. DTB2


    Have you ever seen them claim 7-10% as the expected returns?

    hey have bandied about the 1% per day figure quite often actually.
    #72     Aug 8, 2015

  3. I haven't seen them make any claims for expected annual returns, but then I don't watch the show religiously or anything. I've seen several, and never got the impression they were claiming astronomical returns. I've always been left with the impression they are just scalping the VRP for about 10% annually through systematic trading rules.

    1% a day? You must have completely misinterpreted that. Only anonymous posters on Elite Trader would ever say something so unbelievably F'ing stupid. :)
    #73     Aug 9, 2015
  4. DTB2


    This should help you get up to speed.

    #74     Aug 9, 2015
  5. Your name is VIXTrader...
    You of all people should know that's possible :cool: ...that's not That far-fetched, at all.
    #75     Aug 9, 2015
  6. Macca1


    Well I watch the show everyday, and unfortunately you're completely wrong in your assumptions. Tasty trade have never pitched 7-10% p/a for an expected return on a typical viewer account size. Sos has mentioned the 1% a day several times, it's no misinterpretation. He's also said live on air he would rather lose money than make 20% pa.
    #76     Aug 9, 2015
  7. You do realize that would take a 100k account to BILLIONAIRE status in 5 years and the richest man in the world in just over 7 right? Instead of posting on a chat forum, you might want to consider finally passing grade 8 math class.

    "Sos has mentioned the 1% a day several times, it's no misinterpretation"

    I've heard him talk about aiming to build a 1% daily theta decay portfolio, but that is not even close to the same thing as earning 1% per day when you factor all the other things into the equation. I would imagine it's a combination of misspeaking a little bit as well as adding in some boisterous entertainment value to the show, not realizing how retarded some of his viewers are and how easily they misunderstand even the most basic of concepts. Sos's only crime is speaking from a "that goes without saying" perspective. If he knew how dumb some of his viewers are he would probably be more careful with his words.
    #77     Aug 10, 2015
  8. DTB2


    You are wasting your talents, you should become a White House apologist err, I mean spokesman.

    You apparently can spin everything.

    The tt boys make mistakes of this magnitude quite often, dare I say weekly.
    #78     Aug 10, 2015
  9. I'm not spinning anything. If Sos really does say with a straight face that he can make 1% a day in the long-run, I'll call him a f'ing idiot. But as I said, the only reference I've seen to anything close to that is when he talks about building a 1% a day theta decay portfolio. His only crime there is not holding the viewers hand and walking them through why that DOES NOT mean earning 1% per day in end profit.

    It's a show, for entertainment, and the information in general is good. Does he say dumb things? Yeah. Does he say things that are incomplete and could be misunderstood by dumb viewers? Of course.

    But a smart viewer will be able to take the good, laugh and filter out the bad, and be a better trader for having listened to alternate views. A dumb viewer just nitpicks works and phrases because they have nothing better to do. They certainly aren't making any money in their own account, so making fun of others seems to be how they spend their time.

    The world is full of people who think dulling someone else makes them shine. It's bullshit. Sos is doing just fine in case you haven't noticed.
    #79     Aug 11, 2015
    samuel11 likes this.
  10. DTB2


    The world is full of people who think defending something or someone that they fully do not know makes them look smarter.

    You don't have the facts so quit acting like you do.
    #80     Aug 11, 2015