Tara's Thread

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Emil Kraepelin, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. Ok, ok, so Neoxx got badly neoxxed about by the ES on Friday, but there's a maturing of the Jedi Force that proves the underlying theme of SCT... that bad news is actually good news in disguise.

    If that doesn't make sense to you then normal trading language to describe making a bollix will pass right over your head. Instead you, need to have deeper thoughts along the lines of... I'll let Neoxx explain it to using his own words...

    "Spyder’s recent comments spurred some interesting thoughts. Echoing similar sentiments by Jack, he urges us to transcend mere two-dimensionals definitions, a black and white world, and discover the rich, technicolour experience that lies just out of reach.

    Over the years, many expedients have been added (i.e. Dom, stretch-squeeze etc) to facilitate the process of transference Jack often speaks of. Presumably, all of the vocabulary also served a similar purpose, providing a kind of ordered structure for the transfer of information, and the accumulation of knowledge, skill and experience.

    The middle-men build the bridge. Perceptual learning takes place, synapses fire, neural interconnections form. At some point, having served their purpose, the intermediaries are no longer needed. But despite the pull of what lies beyond the stone and mortar, a magnetic inertia keeps us transfixed, continuing to find safety, comfort and familiarity in old haunts, well after their obsolescence.

    We all know there is far more to every bar than that which we openly acknowledge or have a name for. Every bar can provide a depth of information that registers with the subconscious mind, if not the conscious awareness.

    It seems we can continue searching for different shades of grey, or we can simply choose to see the colours."

    SO... there you have it. Next time you get screwed taking the wrong direction without a stop, ask yourself what color it was? That way you will know EXACTLY what to do when it happens again.

    I love a Hershy treat at the weekend over a glass of smooth red and a nice Italian.
    #21     Feb 3, 2009
  2. Psychology
    One of the maddening things about trading is that while trying to figure it out, it really plays games with your mind.

    So ET is the perfect place for Jedi Jack to find lots of wannabe traders who are so desperate that when he says the only way he will teach them the most powerful trading secrets know to all life on planet earth is if they do not apply due dilligence to his methods... they line up like turkeys at Christmas.

    After Jack has fed them a diet of crazy TA mixed up with psychology, NLP and Conversational Hypnosis (and I kid you not) the poor guys wade through thousands of pages of posts trying to figure out what Jack actually means.

    Eventually someone appears who is not mad (not repeating the same action but expecting a different result) and enter Mr. Black. Whilst I find SCT a great source of entertainment because of Jack, I don't dis the incredible effort the folks put in trying to make SCT work.

    Mr. Black represents the survival of the species but why Jack or Spider doesn't kick him out beats me. If everyone thought for themselves like this, SCT could evolve into something that works.
    Funny thing the mind.

    Anyway, so I posted this only to find it was considered too strong by Magna the mod who bounced it back to me. That being the case I shall proceed after a health (wealth?) warning...


    02-01-09 11:53 AM


    Registered: May 2001
    Posts: 3363

    Iterative Refinement

    Quote from teasinggtara:

    I can't help it! No apology, I just have to look in now and again for entertainment. 1820 pages and the rules and examples are still not sufficiently refined, clarified and demonstrated. And that's after thousands more pages from Spider in different threads. How many thousands of pages does it take to "click"?

    Do what Mr Black does and take what works, delete what's in the way, add in what helps and you'll have a method that is not SCT, doesn't claim to do x3 or be continually in, but is reliable, makes sense and returns a profit.

    Or, keep looking for the magic SCT x3 and x6 until you're a master like Jedi Jack. Then you can join the secret band of countless successful SCT traders that refuse to demonstrate SCT performing anything like as described.

    Jack is one of the best salesman on the planet, but what's really amazing is no one has every seen SCT and no one can reproduce the claimed results, and yet he's followed up hill and down dale like the Pied Piper.

    Anyone smell coffee?

    Your post is best suited for your existing thread: TeasinggTara on Technical Strategy



    I thought this tongue on cheek post was ok in IR as Mr Black only pretends to do SCT and yet he's allowed to post, so I just recommended others follow his more objective lead.

    Ahem, cough, cough - I find I'm in the naughty corner again. Reviewing it I suppose it is pornographic to Jack's followers. Back to the ET basement.
    #22     Feb 3, 2009
  3. ET loves its naughty girls! An excellent analysis. I can only add that I still am not convinced that Neoxx is not a colossal put-on. I find it difficult to believe that anyone on this planet is that prissy and dense.
    #23     Feb 3, 2009
  4. dinkydow


    It's like having two nutty donuts with my coffee and reading about the olympics.

    Please continue...........
    #24     Feb 3, 2009
  5. Fortunately for the future of Western Civiliz(s)ation, we are suppurated by the Big Pond.
    #25     Feb 3, 2009
  6. Thanks Dinky, I shall.

    Joe, a few people have suggested Neoxx is really Jack having a laugh, but I believe this guy is for real.

    Jack gave a few hypnotic triggers that would be easily recognized by anyone who has studied the art, and Neoxx responded with an increased commitment to Stopped Critical Thinking (STC).

    I remember thinking at the time, boy you really have closed the door to progress and instead you've chosen the same circular path the others are on.

    #26     Feb 3, 2009
  7. Yes, I noticed that also.
    Speaking of up the hill and down the vale, what is even more fascinating are traders likr R. Raskolov, who will deny until their dying breath that they trade SCT in (a) public (fourm). But follow the teachings and try to apply them religously in their own trading and making the aforementioned claims of being wildly successful while running away from any and all challenges to post his blotter (sim or real, I don't care) against mine.

    We haven't even gotten to the level of making market calls, which not even Mr_Black will do.

    #27     Feb 3, 2009
  8. Mr Black does the one thing Jack says you must not do - any due dilligence. Mr Black continually posts his bastardized form for SCT which consists of sensible channels, a few indicators and a bit of Jedi Jack's perverse volume reading to allow him to stay in the fold.

    Why do the SCT police not tell him to buzz off and start his own thread? Because if they did that there would be no one making a consistent profit?

    And who produces the best results for SCT? The non-SCT trader, the one who has said he doesn't trade SCT. But because it kinda looks like SCT, it's ok for Mr Black to post in IR.

    Jack didn't invent channel trading nor did he claim to. He just found a way to make something very simple become extremely complicated. Mr Black's channels are the simple ones.

    The volume works when it works and doesn't when it doesn't, because Jack never learned to read volume properly. He's got some bits correct and then the rest is the kind of failure you get when you don't research a matter properly.

    But allowing Black into IR is a bit like your team wears red, so you support any team that wear red. Oh come on SCT traders. Kick Black off for pretending to be on your team.

    Jack, it's about time Black got a right lengthy neoxxing from you. He's whore mongering your precious ideas. If it was Neoxx you'd have him hung, drawn and quartered by now.

    But all respect to Mr Black :)
    #28     Feb 3, 2009
  9. Mr Black, I'm telling teacher on you. You're supposed to be trading the Jedi Method and thinking outside the box is strictly forbidden, so what's this? SCT?


    Registered: Dec 2006
    Posts: 939

    New Post 02-03-09 04:45 PM

    Quote from gucci:

    Can you elaborate? And don't tell me you are talking about Mr. Johari.

    Black replies (gasp)

    This is one of the Market Profile principles....the other is Auctions end with excess....

    Edit/Delete • Quote • Complain
    #29     Feb 3, 2009
  10. I'd love to see Neoxx waken up. He's decided to show us his learning curve with the SCT bootcamp. Good for him to be guinea pig for ET to watch, but it's painful for him.

    What Must Come Next, ah, isn't.

    Quoting Neoxx...

    So that wasn't a new point 3, but rather, we're forming the lateral traverse of a short channel, which would mean I reversed at the worst possible time.

    Yes, and that's after getting the prior trade wrong. Seamless Continuous Trash.
    #30     Feb 3, 2009