tampa's Revenge

Discussion in 'Journals' started by tampa, Dec 1, 2004.

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  1. dbphoenix


    Now that scares the hell out of me . . . :)
    #61     Dec 10, 2004
  2. tampa


    Oh my God, I don't actually trade with like real money.

    It's true that I portray one on a Forum, but I'm really just an actor...
    #62     Dec 10, 2004
  3. I've been reading your blog, you've eaten more losses than I've had capital. My goal is to get to 100K this year but this recent return of my illness still finds me about 30K short. So I have my doubts. Still, on days I feel well enoguh to trade for real I do, other days I practice. Today, since you trad the YM I've started watching the 5 minute using the cci and cycle lines. I think e-signal has them.

    I'm not making any suggestions here, other than maybe have a little goal and work for it. Otherwise, you have as much right to vent in whatever way you want as the next trader. Trouble is, with you, it is hard to separate the genuine from the comical.

    I look forward to reading more as time allows.

    See 'ya around.
    #63     Dec 10, 2004
  4. This is because you choose to believe tampa's oft-stated assertion that this distinction exists. Rest assured that it does not.
    #64     Dec 10, 2004
  5. I suppose that old salute, "See you in the funny papers," has, at base, some truth.

    My mistake. Anyway, it's good to have tampa back as a Journalist and to see you posting again Mr. Sub.

    See you guys later.
    #65     Dec 10, 2004
  6. tampa


    It appears that not only do you trade by the seat of your pants, but post that way as well...

    I, on the other hand am legitimate - I even have a web site to prove it - so there!

    It looks like your form of transportation for the day has been determined yet again.
    #66     Dec 10, 2004
  7. Your penchant to carry me around is mildly disturbing.
    #67     Dec 10, 2004

  8. I used to talk to Buffy when I used Ensign Charts...

    I do believe poor Buffy was loaded on some kind of drugs...

    Hence the wild and crazy looking charting effects... :(
    #68     Dec 10, 2004
  9. tampa


    And your penchant to trash my journals is repugnant.

    You are a low life, freeloading moron, Subliminal. Your own journal - if one could call it that - was the laughing stock of the board!
    #69     Dec 10, 2004
  10. nkhoi


    art keep me excited
    #70     Dec 10, 2004
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