Taking a Bite Out of the Carnivore Diet

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Frederick Foresight, May 4, 2024.

  1. Maybe the good doctor is trying to drum up some surgical business. :D
    #11     May 4, 2024
    Pekelo likes this.
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    That's good in that it rules out the normal fasting glucose test which is useful information but not the best indicator. Hopefully your doctor meant the HbA1c (often referred to simply as A1c), but next time you get together I'd ask why he/she said your blood glucose level was "excellent".

    Anything is possible, but having seen many interviews with him I never get that hustler sense, just someone who was morbidly obese at one time in his life and simply wants to help people Stay Off My Operating Table (as is the title of his book which I linked to in my Ketovore thread). YMMV.
    #12     May 4, 2024
  3. Pekelo


    I tried to watch it, but I am not going to watch 1 hour videos. If they can't make their point in 20 mins or less, I am out. So I am not sure if I agree with him or not, I do like your other doctor Ken Berry.

    But the point here I am making is this: Just because they know how to repair a heart that doesn't mean they are expert nutritionist or they know what causes plaque buildup. It is kinda said that we could go to Mars, but can't agree on such a relatively simple thing. And there is no official way to shrink already existing plaques although there are supplements for it. So just think about that, if they can't make profit, the medical science is not interested in solving the problem.

    About the topic on hand. Everything in life in moderation. I think a short term carnivore diet to fix certain issues (weight, blood serum) can be good, but one shouldn't live on meat alone.
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    #13     May 5, 2024
  4. Kind of reminds me a bit of Ayn Rand, who was born behind the Iron Curtain. When she came to America she concocted a "philosophy" in which anything other than unadulterated capitalism was anathema. Meanwhile, I think most of life's answers lie somewhere between the extremes.
    #14     May 5, 2024
  5. ph1l


    Here's one that makes the point in less than 3 minutes.

    Here is another video for those with a somewhat longer attention span.

    #15     May 5, 2024
  6. Pekelo


    Our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, the chimpanzees are omnivore, so....

    I was also taught in school we are omnivores so a YT doctor won't change my mind. Hunter-gatherers don't hunt tomatoes.

    Fan fact: Chimpanzees eat other monkeys so they are technically cannibals.
    Last edited: May 6, 2024
    #16     May 6, 2024
  7. poopy


    I am full keto rn, so less than 15 carbs/day. Sodium ascorbate to keep me regular. All carb sources are veg.


    At waking
    600mg NAC (sustained release)
    200mg sublingual glutathione (Sertria)
    1600mg ALCAR
    400mg Ubiquinol
    Sodium ascorbate
    Pure Encapsulations multi (can't recall name)

    (Heavy water dropped)
    2.0mg rhGH (EOD)
    #17     May 6, 2024
  8. That’s a lot of supplements. Must be filling. :D

    I couldn’t imagine virtually no carbs. Is this something you find sustainable? What’s your daily caloric intake, and how much of it is from fat?

    And, finally, how do you work out on so few carbs?
    #18     May 6, 2024
  9. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    That is an exceptional level, and your lipid test numbers should be quite notable. Mine are good but could be better (TG 69, HDL 58) and my carb intake is considerably higher than yours. I know a woman who has an extraordinarily pure carnivore diet and her TG (triglycerides) level is an astounding 15, the lowest I've ever heard.

    The heart surgeon Ovadia makes the point, contrary to many doctors, that it's not about the amt of your cholesterol, it's about the quality of the cholesterol which matters (eg., the size of the LDL particles), and the backdrop that the cholesterol is functioning in. Good quality environment comes from not being insulin resistant.
    #19     May 6, 2024
  10. poopy


    I had 1-2 carbs today. My total C was 129 on the previous draw and is 111 now.
    #20     May 6, 2024