Takers versus the Makers.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tsing Tao, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Lucrum


    Look up the contract specs at the CME dumb ass. Educate yourself before embarrassing yourself.
    Gonna hide behind ignore again are you?
    #41     Nov 27, 2012
  2. We are a nation that is suffering from the atrophy of the will to be more than we already are. Too many people have become content with their current station in life. Living in the social safety net has now become a career for too many. A social safety net without a date specific to terminate is doomed to fail. A government which facilitates the problem in order to garner votes is beyond cruel, it's criminal. Flat lined wages exacerbates the problem. Unbridled greed at the top prevents upward mobility. The disease of envy without motivation nails the coffin shut. Add it all up, the will to do more just simply dies.
    #42     Nov 27, 2012
  3. jem


    yes lets look to productivity...

    It seems to be your and Krugmans argument we can fix this massive deficit spending, blaming the Rs for the bush tax cuts (even though revenue went up by 40 percent) and and pretending Obamacare is not a massive drain on the employment and the economy.
    #43     Nov 27, 2012
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Ok, I'm with you on that thus far. Can you expand a bit? One liner drive-bys aren't conducive to good discussion.
    #44     Nov 27, 2012
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Said the grasshopper dancing away in the fields of summer while the ant labored on.
    #45     Nov 27, 2012
  6. That sums it up pretty damn well.
    #46     Nov 27, 2012
  7. You guys are attacking only 20% of the problem that looms so large, and quietly but conspicuously ignoring the 800 lb gorilla, which is Medicare in the future.

    I agree, limit welfare, limit and constrict public aid payments. Give the bums a year -maybe two- on the dole to get on their feet and pay their bills. Then cut the cord. Perhaps that will convince the next generation to not pop out babies they can't pay for.

    But even doing that you will just scratch the surface.

    You think that because you are paying your taxes now that you are entitled to the social safety net when you retire, or in the event you become disabled. We're 16 trillion in debt now, and our generation is is projected to cost 50 trillion in Medicare costs that are unfunded and will be 95% unfunded in the future. But I have heard none of you, not a peep from the right wing nor the left wing, address this reality

    If we were get back ONLY what we have paid into Medicare after 45 years of working, and go on medicare at 65 or 68, we'll probably get an annual prostate exam, a check up, and two aspirin.

    You are attacking the flank of the issue without getting at the heart. Even if you were to build a gigantic trebuchet and fling the 80 million "takers" into the ocean, you will still be faced with what to do with the "makers". And Tsing Tao, if you really don't want to burden your children with the impossibility of
    a population bulging with old people, and compressing with the working people on which the old folks will be dependent , then you will start talking about entitlement reform.

    I'm not worried about my retirement and healthcare expenses. I don't want to pay for yours, or have my kids patrimony dissipated by the demands of 200 million lower and middle class retirees. I say refund all every single cent with interest that was paid into Social Security and Medicare. Abolish Medicare and Medicaid and all the safety net. Let people take care of themselves. Guess what? They will start taking care of themselves.

    Who is with me?
    #47     Nov 27, 2012
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I am with your words. But when you cast a vote in the direction that goes against all that you have said, I have to wonder about the sincerity.
    #48     Nov 28, 2012
  9. There are a couple not so little problems with your ideas. First, there is no money to refund for Social Security and Medicare. Congress stole it all. Second, I'd like to see the politician with the balls to say we're cutting you off after a year or two. Quit popping out babies you can't afford. You're on your own. They, and we all know who they are, would burn down every city in this country.
    We didn't create this culture of dependency overnight and it won't be fixed with one fell swoop. Problem is we keep feeding the monster that's killing us, and we just gave it another four years at the free shit for everyone bar. We keep digging the hole deeper. You can't vote for Obama and leftist idealogy in general and then come out and advocate what are very Libertarian ideas.
    #49     Nov 28, 2012
  10. The grasshopper and the ant are two extremes, which is common for the conservative mind.

    How about somewhere in the middle. There will be challenges to be sure, but short of an extinction level event, we will be just fine.
    #50     Nov 28, 2012