take the libertarian purity test

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dotslashfuture, May 20, 2003.

  1. 18
    #11     May 21, 2003
  2. 66, there should be a "don't know" choice. Government is evil. Let's get rid of all the representatives and everybody votes on the internet. :)
    #12     May 21, 2003
  3. Yes, Internet voting could never be rigged, hacked, or otherwise compromised in any way.

    In any case, Internet voting would still be better than our system here in Florida. Butterfly ballot anyone?
    #13     May 21, 2003
  4. I don't like the term "purety" so I prefer not to do it :D. I am for largest individual Liberty but I don't know what "purety" implies it ressembles too much extremism. Extremisms of all sorts rejoin each other and when claiming liberty with too much extremism would lead me to think that it can rather call to hidden slavery, one must not forget that dictature of opinions is also a dictature especially when driven by medias or partys and injected into people's brain that just repeat them like parrots thinking that they are their own ideas whereas there have been suggestive ideas by their party. I never read an idea here for example that was truly original before a media has already spread the fashion.

    Belong to no party is the beginning of freedom at least for thinking. Personal property and not only collective is material freedom and also important, without material freedom your spiritual freedom will not be able to last very long. That doesn't mean I will defend all excess of material freedom when it leads to justify the hidden stealth of the mass properties since it will lead the mass to slavery.

    The problem with Liberty has perhaps more to do with human state developement than with ideology choice. If one believe the psychologist about mass people brainwashing or scientology 1/3 of people are dependant people and prone to slavery to idea or person. In another experience on rats by scientific research, it shows that 1/3 of rats always exploit the 2/3 left. And even when retrieving the 1/3 dictators rats, the other 1/3 will replace them and exploit the slave minded rats :D. And only a very few rats are independant to not let themselves being exploited without nevertheless exploiting the others.

    In a society which become more and more difficult there will be more and more people prone to exploit each others only for survival and at any state of wealth because wealth is relative to a person. So never talk too much badly about rich people some has more trouble and be less happy than a peasant.
    #14     May 21, 2003
  5. You're losing your touch buddy, I already heard the rats thing on NPR.
    #15     May 21, 2003
  6. Of course it's a scientific research that has been published : how could I know about it if it wasn't published huh :D. It was an experience from french scientists at Nancy University 4 years ago and it was at that time that I read it.

    And what I am pointing at is not this experience itself it is the fact that thinking that the solution is in political deology is a false premisce whereas there could be none like searching the holy grail. Many people don't vote any more because they are perhaps conscious of that. So why adhere to political partys and be prisoner of their ideas because when you enter a party or a sect you must say yes yes yes to everything they say.

    #16     May 21, 2003
  7. Gotta admit that I was not so sure who I voted for on the first page....and the very first choice on the first page was for president. Went back and checked after I was done, and got it right. But NO WAY did those 3000+ retired little jewish people in Delray vote for Buchanan. Even old Pat himself said that was impossible.

    Me, I got a 38. Must be getting more conservative in my old age. Or made a few errors due to my old age:)

    The poll was, to me, kind of meaningless. Who is this guy to define exactly what a "Libertarian" is? Any party that has an inflexible platform is a joke. They have some very valid positions, and many totally unrealistic positions.

    Could anyone come up with a poll that would define you as a Republican or Democrat? There would be a lot of crossover. Because NO ONE agrees on issues strictly along party lines. At least they shouldn't. Even Senators and Congressmen don't.(OK..MondoTrader, and a few other over the top "staunch" guys), but no reasonable person cannot see both side of certain issues and feel differently about them at different times. If there weren't two sides, and valid arguments for either, then they would not be issues at all. (reason #231 that I would be willing to take on Max in a debate on any issue and take either side....but he dodges me like the little sandpipers dodge the incoming waves at the beach. Peck and run).

    #17     May 22, 2003
  8. I scored a 60, could have scored higher if there was a "maybe" choice.

    I consider myself to be very libertarian leaning, but I didn't score higher because I am not opposed to all gov spending or agencies.
    #18     May 27, 2003
  9. trdrmac


    This guy's questions seem just as nutty to me as some of the opinions that come out of the ACLU and the NRA.

    Some where in middle of America I have to believe that there are people who are tired of gov't waste and rhetoric. But at the same time expect the function of the government is to protect and serve it's citizens. Want some freedom, but not so selfish that they wont give some up.

    Seriously, I could sell Tape Worm Larva as a convenient weight loss pill. Or hydrochloric Acid as drain opener. Both incidentally are real examples.

    A national sales tax would even a lot of playing fields, but I don't mind paying for the privilege of being a citizen.

    Guess I will keep telling people im independent, and hope that this country gets some real choices for those of us that are not satisfied with the status quo.
    #19     May 27, 2003
  10. jhburton


    99,hard-core libertarianism,baby
    take it to the street :)
    and on this post ,I'm a full blown member
    #20     Feb 3, 2004