Take it slow or fast track?

Discussion in 'Options' started by Aquarians, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. I finally have a working, valuable trading strategy. Perhaps two, perhaps more but I'm taking a pause now before pursuing more.

    Working in finance I learned two words: "agency" and "principal". If beating the market would be similar to gold mining, agency sells you the tools and machinery while principal is operating the mine. I worked for both so I know either of them.

    The strategy that I have needs a lot of mucho dinero to make money but if you got that, you're ... gold. So it can work either way: operate as agency and sell it to many principals that have a little money, or choose one and a good one that has a LOT of money and operates it privately.

    Problem's I have little credibility at this point to go straight for the highly capitalized principal, which would be the easiest option. By Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord's classification, I'm smart and lazy so ... But if that doesn't work right off the bat I can also do hard work, albeit I loathe it. Which so far seems the reasonable option to eventually reach my objective.

    Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord's Classification of officers
    I distinguish four types. There are clever, hardworking, stupid, and lazy officers. Usually two characteristics are combined. Some are clever and hardworking; their place is the General Staff. The next ones are stupid and lazy; they make up 90 percent of every army and are suited to routine duties. Anyone who is both clever and lazy is qualified for the highest leadership duties, because he possesses the mental clarity and strength of nerve necessary for difficult decisions. One must beware of anyone who is both stupid and hardworking; he must not be entrusted with any responsibility because he will always only cause damage.

    By "little credibility" think "track record of selling high-performing trading strategies". Not "amongst the highest in the country academic / emplyment / income record" and "never considered immigration because local maxima was competitive at global level".

    So what to do:

    1) Slowly start building a name, on YouTube and EliteTrader, take my free classes on how to make money and at the end of those I'm not duping you, for five hundred bucks you can buy a world-class market-beating trading system.

    Here's where Elite Trader can be a real help. The purpose of phase #1 is to set an anchor point of 1000 - 2000 people willing to buy my trading system. That's $500k - $1M. Which is what I use to put my foot in the door of #2.

    2) Real money. Where they pay me 10x that right off the bat plus royalties.

    Now, of #1 and #2, one will get nothing. My pledge to the first 1000-2000 of #1 is that at least they'll get their money back. So you'll know you could have bought a world-class market-beating trading system for $500, but that's not how world-class market-beating trading systems work. I ain't scamming you, you'll still get for FREE the whole information in #1 which in 15 years (and adding 15 of education priorly) got me here. It only takes 30 years to be successful, follow my recipe and you too can be! :))

    Anywayza. Which one? #1 or #2?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. lol
    PPC, CALLumbus, cesfx and 2 others like this.
  3. ph1l


    So, you are proposing to sell your strategy to 500-1000 people for $500 or one person for $5-10 million (assuming "10x that right off the bat plus royalties" applies to the $500k - $1M and not the "five hundred bucks.").

    The key to success for you is you have to convince your customer(s) that your strategy is worth the cost. For the "$500 customers," $500 is a lot of money. These customers will not have the "mucho dinero to make money," so your honesty means they won't buy it.

    The "$5-10 million" customer will want you to demonstrate that your strategy will actually work in the future. In my opinion, you should concentrate on finding that type of customer and proving the strategy would work for them.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. TheDawn


    I just have one question for you: Have you traded this strategy yourself or backtested it at least? If you are looking to sell this "high-performance" strategy to people, this is what people would usually be looking for, the track record of this strategy.
    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. CALLumbus


    PPC likes this.
  6. S2007S


    This is going to be one interesting thread!
  7. PPC


    You should consider option #3) Quickly make an appointment with a psychiatrist :D
    Aquarians likes this.
  8. Handle123


    If it is so good, why sell it???
    PPC and ironchef like this.
  9. ph1l


    I can't speak for @Aquarians. of course, but I suspect the answer is something along the lines of:

  10. It's a method of building a portfolio that offers about the same return as the index but with significantly lesser volatility. Here's some example of how it works on the period 2006 - 2016 (I wanted to catch the financial crysis from 2008):


    It goes from a Shape of about 0.3 to 1 - 1.2.

    Several things about it:
    • Has about the same return as the index so it's not a get rich quick with no capital type of strategy
    • Needs quite a few stocks in the portfolio for enough diversification so it's not cheap (needs a lot of capital to build the portfolio)
    • There's also rebalancing over time so there are transaction costs. One way to offset them is to have enough capital invested so the transaction costs are negligible in comparison. (Also I'm counting on using part of the dividends to pay for transaction costs).
    Overall it's the kind of strategy a pension fund would like to employ. Steady returns with low volatility over large period of time. And the capability to take a lot of money, like some form of arbitrage strategies are very profitable but there's only so much money you can throw at them before they distort the very market they try to arbitrage.
    #10     Mar 29, 2024
    ironchef likes this.