Take down confederate flag, and change street names in public places?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. Yeah, they just wanted to enjoy their slave ownership in peace. They didn't want anyone imposing on their lives. That would be so wrong...
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    #21     Jun 21, 2015
    Ricter likes this.
  2. Right on , eating gator tail and drinking moonshine.
    #22     Jun 21, 2015
  3. Ditch


    Bunch of racists...

    #23     Jun 21, 2015
  4. gwb-trading


    Maybe you need to go over and visit Germany. The current trend is to re-name the streets back to their names from the Nazi era. Most of the re-named street names celebrate Nazis and their heroes.

    What’s in a Street Name? a Lot, in Post-nazi Germany

    German Town Names Street After Nazi (5/22/2015)

    (yes... there is an endless list)
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2015
    #24     Jun 21, 2015
  5. nitro


    "The future of the Confederate flag that flies on the grounds of South Carolina state capitol consumed the Republican Party’s presidential field on Saturday after Mitt Romney, its nominee for president in 2012, demanded its removal, calling it a “symbol of racial hatred...

    “...Jeb Bush, the former governor of Florida, weighed in on Saturday afternoon in a post on his Facebook page. My position on how to address the Confederate flag is clear,” Mr. Bush wrote. “In Florida, we acted, moving the flag from the state grounds to a museum where it belonged.”

    #25     Jun 21, 2015
  6. This is kind of a catch 22 in my mind. Should the Confederate flag being flying over a State Capital building? Probably not. Should we be trying to appease the professional, we're offended by everything crowd? Absolutely not.
    It's the same crowd, from the same side of the isle that is also offended by the American flag and everything it stands for in their twisted view of things. So how many days will pass before the Confederate flag comes down before they are harping about the American flag? Seems the only flag they don't have a problem with is the black flag of ISIS. The only holy book they don't have an issue with is the Quran. Can't step on those toes, they might get mad. Everyone else...fuck'em. We'll never please the offended by everything crowd, so it's a mistake to give an inch to them.
    The answer Bush gave is why he'll never see the Oval office. The proper answer is, the good people of South Carolina can decide what flag they want flying at their State Capital. It isn't anyone else's business. Of course, that would take a pair of balls to say that.
    #26     Jun 21, 2015
  7. wjk


    What if you had to choose a car made in China, or a car made in Japan? I have a guitar that was made in China, and one that was made in Japan. I don't have to tell you which is of higher quality. I have older guitars that were actually made in America! They, of course, are superior quality. They are quite old, however. Also have a bass guitar that was made in Korea. Pretty decent instrument for middle end. Had it since the 90's.

    My current vehicle is a 1996 Chevy. When I bought it, a lot of the parts said "made in Mexico". Still running....barely. About 240k on her. It was built in the US (or so I was told).

    I think it would be nice if we made everything here. Lot's of jobs, and maybe even quality workmanship. I'd be happy to pay higher prices for quality American products. [/dream].
    #27     Jun 21, 2015
  8. I solved the race problem in the U.S.! I moved to a White area, twice in fact. The first was a very wealthy one, the second more White than the former but less wealthy. It just gets better, that's all I can say. I don't worry about getting carjacked, I don't worry about gangster shit, people hold doors for each other, say please and thank you, have lawns that they keep mowed, they have farms and make lots of money off crops and beef, I can walk around with a rifle or pistol and nobody thinks twice about it... I've seen one gangbanger in six months! Some guy with red tennis shoes was stroking his way down the road through the little town... I did a double take, I'd forgotten about that modern day horror of the ghetto...
    #28     Jun 21, 2015
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    #29     Jun 21, 2015
  10. Nice of Jeb Bush to remind us why voting for him is unthinkable. Like dear old dad, he is ever ready to appease the media and left. And Romney, he's changed his position on so many issues so many times, he is a joke. This is an issue for Southerners. I understand that others don't get it, but you should get the concept of tolerance and diversity that you constantly are hectoring us about.

    Our ancestors died fighting under that flag, and many if not most of us today wish they had won. They were fighting, not for slavery, as very few owned slaves, but to oppose an oppressive federal government headed by a radical president elected by a narrow and unrepresentative slice of the country. Sound familiar?

    If Nitro and the other usual moaners are so concerned about war crimes, genocide, etc then the flag they should be protesting is the US flag. Lincoln approved war tactics that constituted war crimes, then and now, eg attacking civilian populations, using mass starvation as a weapon, rape and pillage of defenseless civilians, executing prisoners, etc etc. Lincoln, members of his cabinet and certain generals such as the psychopath Sherman would likely have been hanged as war criminals if they had lost the war. Instead, they are celerated as heroes since the victors write the history. Just as we did after WW II, where we engaged in indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas in both Germany and Japan.
    #30     Jun 21, 2015
    slate likes this.