TA Defined, with Practical Money-Making Examples

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joe Doaks, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. I define TA as "Any computation on the tape which can be perfomed by a nine-year-old adept asian algorismic abacist." Attached is a neutered extract from my one-minute entry system for NQ. Each of the two studies is a wholly independent, stunningly brilliant, utterly un-reverse-engineerable, and amazingly abacable calculation of price turning points. Entry is signalled when the two calculations agree, provided that supporting one-second algorithms on tape internals caculable only on a mini-Cray concur.
  2. Lao Tzu

    Lao Tzu

    Your ethnomathematics ignorance is appalling. Similar computational efficiency can be achieved by two gook Chisenboppers.
  3. Your human computation team is incomplete without a redneck to translate from the lime green "buy" signal to IB's blue "buy" button. And I will remind you city boys that Appalachian Cow Teat Counting is fast and efficicient, requiring only two cows to compute in octal. Plus, you can lie down on the job.
  4. Here in India we have trained centipedes to compute in hexadecimal.
  5. All of these are as nothing compared to the Greek shepherd circle-jerk, which can be expanded indefinitely to achieve any desired level of computational accuracy.
  6. I'd like to hear more about it?
  7. Are you referring to the theoretically boundless Greek shepherd circle-jerk? Or to the other hand-job numerical calculations recommended above?
  8. I'm interested in hearing more
  9. Not much to tell. Charted price looks to the eye like it has turned. How many methods have you explored to quantify that "look?" I probably have developed dozens, most of them goofy and useless. And I've seen lots of absurdly arcane ones here, which I never fail to deride mercilessly. So I presented a couple that I use which are on the other end of the scale from abstruse. Both of them less than 50 SLOCs, hence abacussable. But if you trade, you know that moves which persist and moves which fail start out looking pretty much exactly alike. Deciding between the two outcomes and putting money on it IMO requires some sort of tape reading of the market state. That's all I was saying. But I think I may still have been majorly buzzed from the night before. Obviously all the idiots who responded didn't get that message. As NLP says, "The meaning of your communication is the response you get."
  10. How did you add the buy/sell signals at the bottom of your pic?

    Entry is signalled when the two calculations agree, provided that supporting one-second algorithms on tape internals caculable only on a mini-Cray concur.
    #10     Oct 9, 2012