Symbol TCF trades pre market

Discussion in 'Trading' started by RaghuRomeo, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. Hi,
    did any one traded symbol TCF pre market ? . It printed 28 pre market. (23 to 28 total 11400 shares). DId any one get any fills ? And have any ones trades busted for the same? (i got short at 28 but still trades have not been cancelled for Nasdaq erroneous trade rules.
    Kindly suggest if i need to put more pressure on my broker if yours have been cancelled.
  2. Hi Robert,
    need your help in this. Please be the life saver.
  3. Robert Morse

    Robert Morse Sponsor

    I'm posting this to help others. The NASDAQ requires any complaint about any erroneous trade be reported to them in less than 30 min. Your broker needs time to contact them so it must be done very quickly. Because the complaint was not timely, it was not reviewed and the trades stand.
    RaghuRomeo likes this.
  4. ETJ


    This is the only TCF related notice I see posted to - not related to obvious error.

    11:57:24 ET GEMX
    Nasdaq GEMX will remove symbol TCF1 before the opening on, Friday, August 2, 2019. All open GTC orders in symbol TCF1 will be cancelled after the close of business today. Please contact Nasdaq Option Listings at 215-496-1266 with any questions.