Switching to lite

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by NewTraderAdventure, Oct 15, 2019.

  1. Anyone switch yet? And whats involved
  2. junkone


    they dont offer to canada. pity. its only us/india
  3. Only makes sense for investors. Traders with several trades per day turnover will pay more in the end through inferior execution. Also you don't have access to tws' pro version by going this route.

    gaussian likes this.
  4. if the order is limit, how inferior exec could happen?
  5. Delayed fills for starters. Your order is sold and may sit in a dark pool or get aggregated or re-routed multiple times. That's just for starters.

    comagnum and qlai like this.
  6. This is constantly repeated like its gospel, and proof is never given

    Let's see hard proof your order is not filled at the best bid/offer in a timely manner

    If there's no proof forthcoming, then I will assume the folks pimping this nonsense are full of crap, 2000 posts or not.
    R1234 likes this.
  7. qlai


    Who would benefit in giving you the proof? Definitely not your broker. If it's not an issue for your type of trading, there's nothing to worry about. I suggest you read those 2000 posts, might just learn something new.
    Maverick2608 and GRULSTMRNN like this.
  8. gaussian


    I'd like to just add to this by not going with pro you basically have no access to all the best features of IB. In particular their API, which is worth paying the commission by itself.

    You can more or less assume you are going to get inferior execution if you're not allowed to choose routing or are left to choose only from inferior routing choices.

    To quote the website itself:

    GRULSTMRNN and qlai like this.
  9. qlai


    I agree, what a pathetic way to participate in the zero movement. What I would do (and I know they will listen to me) is keep everything the same except:
    1. Add ZERO route which is like SMART, but cannot be customized in any way. Only this route gets zero commissions.
    2. Add the free CBOE One data feed, but keep the option to upgrade to paid feeds.

    The way it stands right now, I see no reason to choose IB for zero commissions. Obviously, they have lots of other perks, but I doubt zero commissions crowd care about those.
    GRULSTMRNN likes this.
  10. Well, all I can say is that Cheap Charlies always get what they deserve. I am absolutely sure that soon enough all those accounts with zero commission will get charged much higher stock loan fees and margin loan fees. And why not. Brokers are not stupid and go bankrupt over Cheap Charlies. It's those intransparent fees that those guys will pay up for. Brokers may in the end of the day actually earn more than before.

    #10     Oct 16, 2019
    comagnum likes this.