Swine Flu vaccine concoctions - cause narcolepsy, Pandemrix

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by JohnathanIII, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Very few vaccines now contain Thiomersal and no study has ever found statistically significant adverse effects from the tine amounts of Thiomersal in vaccines.

    In any case you probably ingest more mercury from a couple of fish dinners.


    piezoe is spot on. Why people choose to believe cranks and crackpots when the best scientific evidence and advice is now more readily accessible than it has ever been is a bit of a mystery.

    One reason may be that many people today are too young to have seen the horrible consequences of some diseases that due to vaccines have now become rare in developed countries. Unfortunately they will not stay rare if those diseases are imported though modern travel into areas where large numbers of people have chosen not to be vaccinated.
    #11     Feb 9, 2011
  2. Beautiful cheerleader suffers terrible consequences of a flu shot .... or not. It was all a hoax. Though I did think the walking backwards bit had a certain degree of creative artistic flair.


    youtube is not the best place for credible medical advice.
    #12     Feb 9, 2011
  3. piezoe


    I am tempted to respond, but now that i'm finished with my little temper tantrum i will do all in my power to restrain myself. Besides a response by me could lead to either Bearice or Jack weighing in. Certainly Jack was once, while working undercover for the CIA of course, a tsetse fly eradication team leader in Africa, and i fear his multicolor notes would be more than i could bear; I might be stricken with an irreversible attack of narcolepsy.
    #13     Feb 9, 2011
  4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Really yes. Sick in her head to scare people from the vaccine and to make money of the lawsuit. Look.

    #14     Feb 10, 2011
  5. I am sorry but most of you are naive individuals.

    You believe government and big pharma. You believe their CNN propaganda.

    Why is mercury now being removed from most vaccines if data behind it being harmless is solid.

    I feel sorry for you people.

    I feel sorry for your children.

    Your ignorance and your arrogance has fu&*ked many of them for life.

    Ultimately you have no one to blame but yourself
    #15     Feb 10, 2011
  6. To allay wholly unfounded fears spread by fools like yourself.

    As for the rest of your post, it is a fine example of the Dunning Kruger effect.

    #16     Feb 10, 2011
  7. You would be right if only you weren't wrong
    take this and shove it up your nostril

    Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award


    Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months.

    Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.

    Afterward, her health declined rapidly. She developed high fevers, stopped eating, didn't respond when spoken to, began showing signs of autism, and began having screaming fits.






    #17     Feb 10, 2011
  8. Let me guess dcraig you also love Federal Reserve and think spending on military and wars on foreign soil is a great idea.

    You tool.

    Why don't you comment on court case linking autism and vaccines.

    You are defeated and you know it.

    I got more material waiting for you, if you dare show up :cool:
    #18     Feb 10, 2011
  9. I have been vehemently opposed to US foreign policy since the Vietnam War (or as the Vietnamese more correctly term it the American war). Luckily I was just a bit too young and barely escaped conscription to participate in that atrocity.

    Why my longstanding condemnation of US imperialism should lead me to adopt an anti-science mentality and believe the whole medical profession worldwide from University researches to public health officials to ordinary GPs are involved in some massive conspiracy, remains something of a mystery to me.

    Next time I or my family are in need of medical treatment, I'll be sure to seek out the nearest judge or lawyer. Better still let's be democratic about it and put it to a jury.
    #19     Feb 10, 2011
  10. ok I respect you for view on Foreign policy.

    When it comes to vaccine conspiracy I have to spell it out.

    There is no conspiracy involving 10 000 people.

    Doctors are told that vaccines are harmless, and they believe it. They tell parents vaccines are harmless not because they are "in on it" but because they truly believe that based on Big pharma studies.

    So when a parent sees their kid is suddenly autistic (sometimes just 48 hours) after vaccine and they tell their doctor the only change was the vaccine.

    Doctor believing pharma lies assumes that it couldn't have possibly been vaccines.

    Parents though are not fooled. It happened so many times the trend is clear.

    Pharma lobby is very strong. When doctors do figure it out, Pharma companies work on discrediting them.

    For Christ sake BBC link in this thread tells you that 9 times more likely kids get nacrolepsy from swine Flu Jab and you still think all is well in the world of vaccines.
    #20     Feb 10, 2011