Swine flu are you prepared?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by BoyBrutus, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. This is a serious thread on what you see are the possible disruptions to society of this outbreak.

    I'm wondering is any ET traders have made any preparations for a disruptive outbreak. If you have, can you give details.
  2. u21c3f6


    I was given the swine flu vaccine while I was in the Army in I believe it was 1978. I wonder if that makes me prepared? :eek:

    Of course I got sick as a dog after getting the vaccine but never got the actual swine flu. :)

  3. 377OHMS


    Cancelled my Mexico City taste tour of street vendor tamales.
  4. CET


    About 36K people die of flu related illnesses each year. Swine flu does not show up on the statistical chart yet. Should it get much bigger then you can worry. Boo.
  5. S2007S


    Prepare for WHAT???

    36,000 people die from the normal flu each year and no one is quick to announce any quick cures from this, over 500,000 die around the world from the flu each year.

    This is being completely blown out of proportion, enough already....

    Have they found a cure for Malaria which kills OVER 1,000,000 people a year???

    Come on....

    Swine flu will be forgotten just like sars!!
  6. When people really start to panic I'll start selling option premium to them.

    I assume you meant prepared for trading the flu, since this is in the trading forum.
  7. those are all old pple though.

    like me, i am relatively young and active and i am sick now:mad:

    OBAMA, ban mexicans from entering USA until crisis is resolved
  8. jprad


    You might want to read up on what a cytokine storm is...
  9. 1918 Spanish Flu

    Popular writer John Barry echoed Crosby in proposing that Haskell County, Kansas was the location of the first outbreak of flu. In the United States the disease was first observed at Fort Riley, Kansas, United States, on March 4, 1918, and Queens, New York, on March 11, 1918. In August 1918, a more virulent strain appeared simultaneously in Brest, France, in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and in the U.S. at Boston, Massachusetts. The Allies of World War I came to call it the Spanish flu, primarily because the pandemic received greater press attention after it moved from France to Spain in November 1918.
    #10     Apr 28, 2009