Suspect in NY Bombing

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oldnemesis, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. vanzandt


    Donald J Trump:

    "Torture works".
  3. vanzandt


    Just kidding.
  4. He did it. The family says that they had been harassed prior to this because they were Muslim. Which could very well be true. If they were harassed it's almost certain that it was by Trumpers. Trump is drumming up the fear, hate, and bigotry. Just like Hitler did.
  5. Ditch


    Harassment - assuming it really happened- is an excuse to go kill innocent strangers..... you're brain dead.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  6. JamesL


    Today's BLM diatribe:

    White Muslim who sets off bombs shot in leg but unarmed black motorists shot dead.
  7. LacesOut


    Wonderfully stupid assumption. If you believe that you probably believe that global warming is going to destroy the world next year.
    Oh that's right ....
    gwb-trading likes this.
  8. fhl


    Tom B likes this.