Surprise fed meeting?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ertrader, Jul 23, 2002.

  1. skerbitz


    And for all you oblivious ones that are pumping nuke power ... no problem.

    You sign a contract saying EACH person using nuke power stores their share of nuclear waste in their OWN backyard (or the backyards of their children and parents) and we can go right ahead.

    And your answer is ... NIMBY !

    If you won't do that then you're just blowing smoke out your ass.

    Let's get back to the topic at hand, eh ?

    the fed meeting ???
    #31     Jul 24, 2002
  2. Rigel


    It's the environmental lobby that is making it difficult to store the waste. They have tied it up in the courts for years while at the same time saying that nuke power isn't feasible because there is nowhere to store it. It's obvious that they are being duplicitous, isn't it? Plain as the nose on your face. They are the real problem, not the storage.
    A solution to this environmentalist propagated quagmire would help the economy and the markets hugely.
    #32     Jul 24, 2002