Surgery Tomorrow

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Good luck Baron.
    #11     Jul 10, 2012
  2. EON Kid

    EON Kid

    Good luck & get those calf implants while you're at it [​IMG]
    #12     Jul 10, 2012
  3. Max E.

    Max E.

    Sorry to hear, i wish you all the best with the surgery!

    Im just curious, how did you originally figure out this was happening?

    #13     Jul 10, 2012
  4. Cassie


    I have my outpatient procedure tomorrow too. Hope that's all that I have to do, it's to try and diagnose whats been going on. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully Ill be back to posting some hotties again soon... In fact I might try to tonight :D

    Get well soon
    #14     Jul 10, 2012
  5. Best wishes Chief. If you need me to temporarily seize control when they knock you out lemme know.

    Al Rennick Haig out :cool:
    #15     Jul 10, 2012
  6. Hope all goes well with your surgery. Procedures... always such a drag on life and time then dealing with the wait if all went well. Persevere.
    #16     Jul 10, 2012
  7. nkhoi


    take this, it promotes blood circulation
    #17     Jul 10, 2012
  8. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    My surgery went well and I really appreciate your messages of support and encouragement. They've got my leg wrapped up from top-to-bottom like a mummy.


    In terms of how this all started symptom-wise, I noticed a small soft knot on the side of my calf a few years ago. It didn't hurt when I pressed on it and it would come and go depending on how my leg was positioned. A few months later I noticed that there was some slight discomfort when I walked, like a there was more pressure inside my lower leg that what their should be. Then the veins in my lower leg just became more and more prominent, and then all of the above symptoms spread to over to other leg as well. Then I started feeling a burning sensation that would run down the backs of both legs and that's when I called it quits and realized that this was a problem that would never get better on it's own, so I moved forward with getting some help.
    #18     Jul 10, 2012
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    You were lucky you had symptoms, it is a crap shoot when things are going on inside of your veins, most people never know....

    I remember going to australia with a buddy, and he was complaining about a leg cramp, the whole flight down and i kept calling him a pussy, he went to the doctor when we got there, and he had something called "deep vein thrombosis" which was basically a blood clot that would have killed him if he left it for a day.....we always joke about how guilty i would have felt if i actually convinced him not to go to the doctor.....

    Another night my dads face went numb, and his wife thought he was having a stroke, so she forced him to go to the hospital, turned out the reason his face went numb was because of a pinched nerve in his jaw, but while thy were testing him they found three aneurysms in his brain that he would have never known about, that would have killed him, if he didnt have them fixed.... he never would have known about them if it wasnt for his face going numb that one night......

    Anyways what im getting at is you are very lucky that you figured what was happening in your veins, most people dont get that chance..... Congratulations on the successful surgery, and good luck on the next one!!
    #19     Jul 10, 2012
  10. Ha! I won't forget this one. I'm at church (Ash Wed) at night and standing there and all of a sudden it feels like someone is cracking my ribs on my left side. Hurts like a mofo, then stops then starts again, feels like someone is standing on the left side of my chest compressing the heck out of my chest. I go home go to bed and thats that.

    Three weeks later I'm working on my roof a couple hours, just when I climb down, I can't even carry my tools. I'm out of breath, the right side of my chest feels like it is cracking. I can't even lie down it hurts so bad. I take some tylenol, and go to sleep sitting on the couch. Next day, things ain't too bad so I go back on the roof and finish, in about three hours, same thing. My right side is hurting so bad I can't even eat.

    My chest is still aching on Tuesday (2 days later) I tell my Doc, he does cat scan, two PE one on each side of my lungs. Destroyed tissue on the right lung, the left lung wasn't too bad.

    Taking blood thinners now, Dr said I was very lucky those clots didn't do me in. Lungs are healing nicely (blood find new paths to help the lungs.)

    The did ultra sound on both of my legs , pretty neat system and could see where the clots came from.
    #20     Jul 10, 2012