Surf's Special Situation Journal

Discussion in 'Journals' started by marketsurfer, Aug 4, 2012.

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  1. Due to my beaten during my amateur boxing career turd brain,i`m too lazy to attack.I`d rather counter punch so it then drops like a tree.If not,i`ll cruise around a couple more rounds.
    #3251     Mar 27, 2013
  2. cornix


    Ha, still get my head knocked periodically to keep the shape. :D

    Actually I am probably the laziest trader around. Only spend 2 hours per day on NQ. And that's day trading. :)
    #3252     Mar 27, 2013
  3. probably easier to trade for a living in Russia

    US dollar profits go further, I bet

    you guys can be the talk of the town if you trade well...

    always had impression that Russians struggled financially, dont know if rightly or wrongly

    bank failures in the 90's, long cold winters, communism...

    and western stereotype of Russian "mail order bride".... aka women from poor country looking for american dream seen in movies

    #3253     Mar 27, 2013
  4. cornix


    Not sure about easier. For many here toughness of past years developed strong inferiority complex and absence of motivation. But those of us who still believe in ourselves are like hungry wolves, that's for sure. :D

    When you stood in the food lines in your childhood (late 80's/early 90's in my case), this experience stays for the rest of life and you do everything to get out of poverty.

    Sorry to hear that Russia is mostly associated with "mail order brides" and not guys like this for example:
    #3254     Mar 27, 2013
  5. tobbe


    This is so funny.

    Cornix trades live in his chat room every day for everyone to see. Free and open to anyone, no strings. Why don't you just pay him a visit for ... erh... lets say, 50 days in a row and then you have all the "evidence" you need. :p

    PS: I have no idea as to why he does this. Personally I think it is nuts. :p
    #3255     Mar 27, 2013
  6. Of course it is not proof. Surf moves the agreed goalposts because he knows it is meaningless but it opens the floodgates to Ol' Yella and Co. if he picked 3 weak days and then the sniping goes on and on.

    The goalposts won't move. I have made 2 offers that I will stick with: the 2 statements to show that I was telling the truth plus a statement from a few weeks earlier to show the account at approx. $7500 and it is from this balance the account developed upwards with the 2 days at $10K


    a full audit when we hit the S1,000,000 with surf's sim audit showing the wonder of his PD in complete transparency. I don't want 3 random PD trades, I want to see the real performance.

    No goal post moving into vague territory. All I ask is for surf to accept the original terms and fess up that his PD's can't come anywhere near what the statements show TA can do.

    I really thought surf believed in all his bluster about PD leading the market and consequently burying TA in the dust, but it seems the bravado has evaporated now his challenge has been accepted. Perhaps he's afraid no one will buy into the idea if it is seen to be no more than fantasy?

    As for linking the account to something that shows the daily performance, I need to weigh that up over the holiday w/e. It gets round the statement and identity issues. My initial response is I like the idea but I know nothing of the options so I'd appreciate help on that. Who is considered best for this please? Thanks for the suggestion.
    #3256     Mar 27, 2013
  7. cornix


    It won't last forever as my mental condition may suddenly improve. :D
    #3257     Mar 27, 2013
  8. My journal has been completely derailed becoming a place for stealth vendors to prey upon noobs and the naive. I am no longer going to be providing a platform for this type of dubious activity. I have requested that the thread be deleted to prevent any additional nonsense ruining the surf report's good name. I apologize to readers who followed along liking it or hating it is all totally cool. However, I can no longer in good concious continue to faciliate gathering an audience for those who want to abuse it.
    Please delete this thread.

    #3258     Mar 27, 2013
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