Supermarket socialism

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. if I had ate some mcdonald's plastic burger, it could have been any color? ... usually I don't eat that shit, but then when it's 3am and you're looking for something to eat and everywhere is closed, where is that shit place that is always open; yes, mcdonalds
    #11     Dec 31, 2009
  2. since it has happened to you, you would know, wouldn't you
    #12     Dec 31, 2009
  3. Mcdonalds closes at midnight in 99% of the world and opens at 6am. Dont pretend like you didnt know that since you work there as a french fry boy.
    #13     Jan 1, 2010
  4. You nailed it! This twit is Mandlebrots Apprentice, and he's throwing off on bag-boys out of pure envy. If I were in charge he'd be on the next bucket to Baghdad.

    #14     Jan 1, 2010
  5. yes and the funny part is you lost your job as a french fry boy to me, now you're so desperately looking for a job, but guess what?, there's nothing out there for you, oh except one thing, you can become that silly clown's (William Rennick's) sex slave, and she can fuck you in the butt with her strap-on ... enjoy ex-'french fry boy'
    #15     Jan 1, 2010
  6. morganist

    morganist Guest

    it is becomming an employers market which is a good thing in a way. there is a good side to a recession it rectifies inefficiency, in theory anyway. the worst is not over yet and it is reaching the point where the benefits of the recession are ending and the negative aspects of the recession are starting to kick in.

    this is when it starts to become a depression when the unemployment stops being short term and to make businesses efficient and starts being desperation and absolutely needed. the governments are making all the wrong moves too. they are increasing taxes when they should be reducing them and in the main they are increasing employment costs with the taxes and transaction costs.

    those things coupled with afghanistan, the health care bill, plus the size of the government is creating a point of no return scenario.
    #16     Jan 1, 2010
  7. morganist

    morganist Guest

    sorry about rattling on. but it pisses me off a lot.
    #17     Jan 1, 2010
  8. Actually, we all know a few business's that would benefit with more help. If the Fed would offer tax credits to corps to hire employee's, this would relieve benes we pay out to the unemployed.

    Seriously we should take inventory of what is working well in this country and build on it. It is much easier to buff up existing business with incentives and credits than start new industry.
    #18     Jan 1, 2010
  9. Yep thats it...I lost my job to you...but instead of becoming a sex slave, I decided to open a few credit cards in your name since you were stupid enough enough to use your Social Security number as your handle. I got some cash advances, opened up a trading account and I am now shorting McDonalds stock since i know your filthly little hands are all over the french fries, there will be a huge E. Coli out break from everyone that eats their fries and lawsuits will pop up everywhere and the stock will tank. Thanks for making me rich! :D
    #19     Jan 1, 2010