Superior intellect - is that enough?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by LeonPhelps, May 2, 2007.

  1. It's ok, you already said enough to show just how "intelligent" you are, particularly in this thread:

    Another genius,

    Using this logic, one would say that a great video game player would make a great athlete.
    Pretty obvious you never took the time to understand how reflex reactions actually occur and why they happen.
    And not all athletes have great physical reflexes, nor is it required in many sports. Even in fighting sports, reflexes are not needed and can actually be manipulated into a handicapp.
    #41     May 2, 2007
  2. Intelligence isnt just the math, reason etc it covers a much greater area emotional intelligence (ET) is more the people side and deals with the ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups which can be just as important in many fields.

    When you come on here making your claims about how clever you are what you said and the way you said it lacked ET . Is that clear enough for you?

    #42     May 3, 2007
  3. Yeah man, I actually thought they gave her a retard IQ test, but really, who knows.

    I gotta wonder if there was some mixup or mistake. Or maybe these IQ tests are not really measuring much. It's the same 5 or 6 questions with different variables over and over.
    #43     May 3, 2007
  4. #44     May 3, 2007
  5. Anyone who brags about having "Superior intellect" is doomed to fail at trading. The market is willing and able to humble anyone who thinks they know it all.
    #45     May 3, 2007
  6. Rather not divulge, but high 6 figures aproaching 7. And steady for the foreseeable future. What you posted is the creme de la creme. I only have to remain in the top decile to hold on to my piece of the pie. Those guys are the pinnacle.

    Still trading on the side for now.
    #46     May 3, 2007
  7. Friend, "superior" is an objective term with reference to intellect. And not synonymous with omniscience. Braggadocio in absentia. As I have clearly stated, there are many more requisites for a successful trader than mere intellect. The question is: Is intellect a prerequisite?
    #47     May 3, 2007
  8. Are you including the decimal place? :p
    #48     May 3, 2007
  9. I think one who who spends their time thinking how intelligent he or she is and is eager to tell others is counter-productive self serving egotism and could even be interpreted as lacking in self esteem. On the other hand, using your intelligence to develop and/or backtest a trading strategy...or plan your trades would have been a more productive use of your time.

    Even though I was classified a child genius as a kid, I prefer to take the attitude that I am dumb and know nothing because that way I train my subconscious mind to remain open to learning and learning from others.

    I would never say that I am smarter than anyone else but would leave that to the judgement of other people. Intelligence is important to some degree in any field that requires analytical skills but in trading you can add being in control of your emotions, having a good entry and exit strategy, and understanding the importance of money management.
    #49     May 3, 2007
  10. Of course, and the figure was gross. Net is bordering on negative.:p
    #50     May 3, 2007