Superbowl Halftime Show

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Toonces, Feb 2, 2004.

  1. What about those rap Boyz grabbing at their crotches?

    More offensive than JJ's l'il titty!
    #21     Feb 2, 2004
  2. lindq


    The government, through the FCC, has EVERY right to set decency standards for broadcast television, as we operate in with a limited broadcast spectrum that is set aside for FREE, nonsubscription broadcast television. Without basic standards of decency, television would become even more of a vast wasteland than it already is.

    You may not care, but I can assure that that millions of families do care.

    And if you don't yet understand the difference between displaying a male nipple or a female nipple to billions of viewers, you are either (A) Gay, (B) A moron, (C) A gay moron, or (D) Under 11 years old.

    I would guess D.
    #22     Feb 2, 2004
  3. Who cares? Call me when Janet flashes the real goods, if you know what I mean. Uh-thank-you-very-much.
    #23     Feb 2, 2004
  4. I just hope it is not a Meatloaf ..
    #24     Feb 2, 2004
  5. Turok


    >And if you don't yet understand the difference between
    >displaying a male nipple or a female nipple to billions of
    >viewers, you are either (A) Gay, (B) A moron, (C) A gay
    >moron, or (D) Under 11 years old.

    >I would guess D.

    Guess that would depend on your definition of "understand".

    I completely understand why the FCC/CBS would be aghast (or at least feign such in the case of CBS) -- because it's their place to enforce/reflect societies sensibilities. If that's what you mean by "understand", then I do. For business purposes, CBS has to react this way no matter how the chief programmer might feel personally.

    If you mean "understand" in the sense that you feel that it is logical to have different societal rules for the same body parts then I present that the moron/gay/11yo view might just show up in your mirror.

    #25     Feb 2, 2004
  6. I guess the big question now, and this goes back to the remark about responsibility, is who gets fined for this??
    The FCC makes the rules. Now they need to enforce them. I am afraid that if they dont, that sends another message, that its ok to bend the rules.
    My argument, BTW, is not whether its ok to show Breasts on TV. I do not wish to argue that. BUT, there were Rules broken. I wonder who will pay.
    Then I think back to Howard Stern, who was notorious for messing with the FCC. Who won that battle? I dont have all details, but I think Howard did.
    Well, I see this going torward a freedom of expression discussion, which its not, and I will not get involved with that topic. Its just about rules that are set, and not followed.
    #26     Feb 2, 2004
  7. tampa


    There is but one question/issue here - what is the harm? What real ill will come of it? How will it damage the society?

    Aside from "offending" the sensitivities of those who seem woefully inadequate in articulating the damage done, what is the damage?

    To this point in the "debate" I have seen remorse expressed that it came at the evening meal hour on the west coast - so presumably the offensive was less on the eastern coast. And the proverbial "what if a ten year old boy saw it". Does that mean that no harm would come to a ten year old girl? Or a boy of, say eleven and one-half years?

    As for the call to the FCC to fine the offenders - really now. Were the incident of such a serious nature, then surely nothing less than jail time is in order. But not even the most offended souls would call for that remedy. But why not? The answer can be found in the simple truth of the matter - and that is that no real harm came of it.

    Me thinks we are dealing in much ado about nothing.
    #27     Feb 2, 2004
  8. What 10 or 11 year old hasn't seen tits in a Playboy. Or even less sexual print such as National Geographic. I for one would rather have my children see tits at the Super Bowl than to watch the nightly news with all of the violence that is there.
    #28     Feb 2, 2004
  9. Anybody who gets 'offended' by seeing female breasts has serious issues. It's not like they were doing anal fisting on stage...just a titty. Nothing 'dirty' or 'corrupt' about that at all.
    #29     Feb 2, 2004
  10. I thought the whole halftime show sucked big time. It was boring and idiotic, while being gratuitously offensive at the same time. I wonder how much longer the ineffectual wimps who run the NFL will be willing to see their product tarnished by being associated with this type of trash. I seriously doubt the people who paid big bucks for Super Bowl tickets were very impressed.

    Aside from that, I have to say that Ford GT40 ad totally rocked. It was like porno for car nuts. The only car I ever wanted to be in more was Bullit's Mustang when he was chasing the two guys in the Hemi Charger.
    #30     Feb 2, 2004