Summers said the rebuilt U.S. economy must be more export-oriented

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ASusilovic, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. Mav88


    But there were alternatives then like the auto industry. Now there is nothing done in the US that can't be done cheaper overseas. People keep saying retrain, however the foreigners keep training as well and keep outcompeting for jobs.

    There is nothing special about the education and talents of the american people, it is impossible to have a win-win at a trading game against motivated and equal competition willing to work for 1/10 the cost. They will end up with all your money because there is nothing you can sell them back.

    It doesn't matter how thrifty you are if you don't have a job. It doesn't matter if you are entrepeneurial if no matter what you do it will be copied and sold at a fraction of the cost. Protectionism didn't kill the eastern block, socialism did.

    A product of early success, degradation of culture, and the liberal ideal of less responsible individualism and more liberal government to take its place.
    #41     Jul 18, 2009
  2. your half witted "analysis" is wrong.

    This administration can not export non-existent "jobs" that were already exported by republican crooks like Bush Jr. and his congress.

    #42     Jul 18, 2009
  3. You have just named a few reasons why Americans have been fu..ed and "suckered on a lot of these trade agreements". China is just enjoying every month a trade surplus and jumping a couple of days ago over 2 trillion of USD in currency reserves. Imagine, the US would dispose of 2 trillion USD to jump start the eceonomy. Ay, ay, ay...2trilion is just also the amount the Federal Reserves balance sheet has been raising to lately...seems, 2 trillion is a "magic number"...:)
    #43     Jul 18, 2009
  4. Of course those with nothing to say can usually be counted on to prove it.

    Every administration is responsible for maintaining some economic stability. The 2001 recession, excerbated by the Trade Center terrorist bombing, pales in comparison the the state of the economy right now. The condition that we are in now is the responsibility of the Obama Administration, and the Democratic Congress since 2006. The stock market topped out soon after that.

    I think they have gotten almost every piece of legislation that they have asked for, especially an unfettered, unmonitored Community Reinvestment Act. Keep in mind that if HUD hadn't forced all those junk mortgages into the GSEs, we never would have had thousand of banks with inferior regulatory capital.

    <img src="">
    #44     Jul 18, 2009

  5. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.

    G. K. Chesterton
    #45     Jul 18, 2009
  6. fhl


    Larry Summers said that we're making real progress, and the reason he gave is that people aren't searching for "economic depression" as much on google anymore.

    Can you imagine if a president Mccain's chief economic advisor had said such a thing?

    How many expletive deletives would that moron known around here as fkbushites have used about that one?
    #46     Jul 18, 2009
  7. The chart you posted confirms the congenital stupidity inherent in the conservative mindset.

    Most of the jobs lost started with the despicable man-child-monkey.

    The retarded deficit spending garbage coming home to roost.

    And in your mental stupor you thought throwing in "HUD" and other B.S. gives the republican maggots/faggots a pass on their blackmailing the nation into TARP funding these so-called "too-big-to-fail" corrupt institutions that were the cause of the entire mess.

    Back to the sewer with you, countryhick.

    #47     Jul 18, 2009
  8. elite trader boards = suicidal doom and gloom. God this gets so old. Can we get a board with NO politics and just pure trading. And if you are shorting, NOBODY gives a sh1t about you shorting to punish the Obama administration in hopes of the economy tanking. MORE TRADING and < POLITICAL BULLSH1T. God enough already.
    #48     Jul 18, 2009
  9. fhl


    The typical liberal answer to every crisis. :D

    Dems had NOTHING to do with it, it was the $^%%&&*%& republicans!

    Forget that barney and 'friend of angelo' chris' chicanery are all on videotape! Don't believe your own eyes! You didn't hear them telling everyone who would listen that the gse's need to make more loans to anyone with a pulse! You didn't hear them telling eveyone that the gse's are in fine shape and don't need any more regulation! You didn't hear it, I tell ya!!!!

    :D You're funny, mr ssri uptake!
    #49     Jul 18, 2009
  10. ^

    8 years of republican stupidy Vs. 6 months of Democratic stupidity.

    I'll pick the god damn conservative crooks as the cause. Only a congenital retard would state 6 months of democratic rule is what caused this mess.

    It all started with the closed door cheney-oil meeting after which oil shot up and the man-boy-monkey allowing lead to be added to childrens drinking water.

    There is a reason the republican party is dwindling into a party for trailer-park-trash. It now attracts fleas and Congenital retards like joe-the-plumber. A guy with no plumbing license, lives off welfare, and worries about what he'll pay in taxes if he should win the lottery. illiterate and proud of it.

    even the word republican, leaves a bad taste in the mouth. party of crooks and criminals. borrow and spend while giving the middle class the middle finger.
    #50     Jul 18, 2009