Summers....Has Got To Go....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Oct 12, 2009.


    This guy cannot add or subtract....

    Thinks that an increasing govt. portion of prices does not matter....

    Dear Mr. Summers....

    70% of the jobs in the US come from small business....most of them continually failing....

    Here is the brief equation.....

    I (+income) + D (-debt) = f(x)

    When f(x) increases...the US economy increases....

    When f(x) decreases....the US economy decreases....

    When govt. increases....I goes down....and D is further pressured....

    Furthermore $26 Trillion has left a $70 Trillion economy....
    (when the bad debts are actually recognized)....

    The combination of these two automatically shifts the econ downward....

    You sir....need to step down....or make changes that
    improve f(x).....

    Think outside of the 15% consumption tax only.....
    revamped nongameable electronic worldwide exchange...that is more trustful and efficient....

    There have to be event impositions that can quickly put lots
    of positive valuations on banks books....

    Efforts to date .....solely negative and nonsustainable.....
    Just false paper cover-ups....
  2. The gov is their "tater" for people like Summers. How many in the current adm. have ever run a business?
  3. And there were those that wanted this guy to be the Fed chairman?
