Suicides everywhere!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. UsualName


    *grabs popcorn*

    Tell us Mr. Traveler, what really happened?
  2. Who knows. But suddenly people are committing suicide in the same week, years after an event happened?

    You know what they say "Once is an accident, Twice is a coincidence, 3 times is enemy action"

    The Father was a scientist in Neuropsychopharmacology. Someone with that level of knowledge about how the human brain works seems like the last type of person to commit suicide.
    elderado likes this.
  3. UsualName



    Let me tell you what happened, two very disturbed young people got their hands on weapons intended for war and slaughtered children with them.

    The country sent thoughts and prayers but did not take any meaningful action to prevent this from happening again, and it has happened again and will continue to happen again.
    futurecurrents, piezoe and Tony Stark like this.
  4. elderado


    Perhaps you'd like to explain the cause of their "disturbedness" as well. Enquiring minds want to know...
  5. He succumbed to a broken heart you son of a bitch fanatic.
  6. there is no heart left in so many.
  7. I see no conspiracy theories here that are worth discussing. Two of the three were kids and probably suffering from PTSD and/or survivors guilt. The father, overcome with grief, found out that discussing it intellectually in a scientific matter and actually having to experience the horror of watching your kid die in such a violent way are two entirely different things. Hopefully they are at peace now. Just sad and tragic, nothing more, nothing less.
    El OchoCinco likes this.
  8. I can understand the 2 girls on their own makes sense...but the father? No. He had 2 other small kids. Why would he do that to them?
  9. Cuddles


    Lol what? Physicians are among the highest suicide rates by profession
    #10     Mar 26, 2019