Suggestions for Trading Software with excellent drawing tools

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Worldcup, Apr 16, 2006.

  1. Worldcup



    I am thinking about getting Ensign with Esignal Basic Data feed.

    I was just windering if anyone can compare the drawing tool abilities of Ensign vs. AdvancedGet. I like to have a software with excellent Fibonnacci and Gann Angle drawing tools.

    Any suggestion on one software that has great Fibonnacci and Gann tools is appreciated. I only pretty much trade US stocks and Sector ETFs and Index and Stock options too.

  2. Banjo


  3. Worldcup


    Hi again,

    I was wondering if Fibonaccitrader is comparable to Dinapoli Coast CTP with D-levels/Fibnodes.

    I am now seriously thinking about getting Fibonaccitrader.

    Can you see any advantages to Dinapoli Coast CTP with D-levels/Fibnodes compared with Fibonaccitrader. It seems that you can have all the fib confluences and retracement/extensions done on Fibonaccitrader too at a one time price compared to the monthly price of D-level subscription.

    Thanks again for your suggestions,
