Sugar daddies paying for college degrees

Discussion in 'Economics' started by S2007S, May 2, 2013.

  1. dealmaker


    What does this have to do with trading?
    #41     May 3, 2013
  2. If you are an elite trader, you too can be a sugar daddy.
    #42     May 3, 2013
  3. I can't resist sharing my somewhat unconventional philosophy here.
    One of the truest axioms ever spoken was Chris Rock's brilliant observation: "A man is as faithful as his options".

    Some guys have both money and 'game', i.e. the ability to say the right 'panty dropping' type words at the right moment. (If you have sufficient game, you really don't even need money to attract hot chicks.) So what do most of these lucky guys do? They end up turning a blessing into a curse by inevitably finding that special someone and pledging monogamy to her. Then a couple years later he inevitably gets itchy for a little side-action. If said hot side-action falls right into his lap, he can't possibly turn down the opportunity, and he cheats. Then he must naturally tell lie after lie to his main woman, dragging down the relationship's entire structure of integrity. Whether those lies are exposed or not is irrelevant- The dude screwed up by putting himself in a position where lying and cheating are next to unavoidable.

    So what does a clever guy do instead? Never pledge monogamy, no matter what! (You can still get married though, by redefining what the word 'marriage' means to you and to her.) The basic philosophy goes like this, and it works both ways in the main committed relationship: "If you have to fuck someone, go for it... just don't lie to me!" This works much better than the normal way of doing things- it really does.
    #43     May 3, 2013
  4. r-in


    Seriously, who the f*** cares? Hey, you are willing to take a chance of catching a disease, or some psycho, go for it, on both sides. Be a whore, and that applies to either side of the equation, deal with the consequences if caught and quit crying about it if you are caught.
    #44     May 3, 2013
  5. thanks for not resisting.
    #45     May 3, 2013
  6. Well... some people do care, as some prefer to see what mistakes others are making, so as not to make the same.
    #46     May 3, 2013
  7. the first thing my children from Mali did when they came to USA and got jobs was to go back and build a house where kids from the village could live during the week when they were at school, since it is a day and a half walk to school, and they can only do it once a week.
    #47     May 3, 2013
  8. some suggar dady must have seen them as fools. lol.
    Instead of suggar daddying they went their way to improve many people lives. lol.
    #48     May 3, 2013
  9. Great list, but there's one more thing to add: <b>How he makes her feel about herself.</b> This is important. While it's always best (for karma's sake at least) to make her feel good about herself, some of the sleazier guys are adept at picking up one night stands by doing the exact opposite. There was an episode of Family Guy where Quagmire taught a local community college class explaining the whole process. :p
    #49     May 3, 2013
  10. zdreg


    #50     May 3, 2013