Success’ on YouTube Still Means a Life of Poverty

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by ironchef, Feb 28, 2018.

  1. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    The problem with the whole setup is that it's a blind market, meaning that you have no idea how much ad revenue Youtube is taking in for a given channel and how much they are paying out. I think it's great that guy's wife is making 7 figures on Youtube, but I would bet money that if you check back with her in a couple years that 7 figures will be six figures, and then five figures a few years after that, even though her following is still high. The reality of the situation is that Youtube can pay out whatever percentage it wants, and if the trend is anything like what Google did with Adsense years ago, they start out paying a high percentage and then slowly adjust the percentage down over time, which means that the content creators get less and less for their efforts.
    #21     Mar 1, 2018
    trader42, comagnum and fan27 like this.
  2. wrbtrader


    Most traders are not full-time. Thus, most traders would have a primary job while trading part-time in hopes of one day being able to do it full-time. I don't know if that job is a day job or a night job or contract (seasonal work).

    Yet, I was talking about Youtube. I remember reading somewhere that many of the most popular Youtubers have another source of income. Thus, difficult to imagine them near poverty level with two sources of income unless they're living in some extremely high cost of living location (e.g. San Francisco, Seattle).
    #22     Mar 1, 2018
  3. #23     Feb 28, 2020