Stupid to brag

Discussion in 'Politics' started by trendlover, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Why does Donald Trump allow Melania to have her photo eating the bowl of jewels on the Mexican vanity fair magazine? For that country with so much poverty, why do that? Stupid stupid people with no understanding of poverty.
  2. do poor mexican people read vanity fair? just asking ...
  3. I am not Mexican. For access to internet I do know the Mexico has many more people with access (with no censorship). Is not like Cuba.
  4. Wasn't Melania poor growing up and maybe she wouldn't take NO for an answer?
  5. Record of accomplishment: good-looking woman marries rich older guy.
  6. Is that something earth shattering? How about a rich guy marries a beautiful woman. If you were rich would you marry an ugly woman?
  7. Hardly. So what does it have anything to do with...
  8. wildchild


    Are you from a Muslim country where women have to get permission from the husbands to anything? Did you ever consider Melania is her own person capable of making her own decisions? Why do you hate women, you troglodyte?
  9. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    No I am not from Muslim country. Melania is the president's wife. The president of the USA. His job now is to lead his country. To brag his wealth on the magazine of the very poor country is stupid. Do you see (President Trump's wealth) is what the magazine show?
    #10     Jan 29, 2017