stupid laws

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HELL YEAH, Apr 23, 2003.

  1. lundy


    Homosexuality is not genetic. If it was, scientists would be able to find the genetic sequence.

    If it was, they'd be able to cure homosexuality via gene manipulation.

    Just think, all the homos could have a cure. LOL

    Obviously, it aint genetic.

    There are hundreds of people who were homosexual when they were young, but now lead healthy heterosexual lives. In fact, there are organizations which help people overcome homosexual tendencies.

    The reality is that homosexuality is based on a choice. It is a choice to follow a desire or not to follow a desire.

    Homosexuality breeds disease. The rectum isn't meant to be intruded by foreign objects. Lets just say it's the backdoor for diseases to enter the body completely unchecked.

    Homosexuals are the main spreaders of aids. Aside from the fact that homosexual sex can spread aids more easily than heterosexual sex can, homosexuals in general have more partners than heterosexuals.

    I really don't care what homosexuals do in the privacy of their bedroom. I also don't care whether their is a law about consenting males engaging in sodomy. However, before giving an opinion on the issue, one should be aware of the gay agenda, aware of the other laws homosexual activists want to pass, and laws that they have succeeded in getting passed.
    #51     Apr 27, 2003
  2. You are born with your sexual attraction. Period. I don't care how many religious people say it isn't like that.

    #52     Apr 27, 2003
  3. Well, enlighten us.
    #53     Apr 27, 2003
  4. You mentioned organizations which help people overcome homosexual tendencies. The only homosexuals that would go to something like that are gay religious fanatics that think being gay is bad. I don't care how often they go to some place to help them, they are going to be attracted to males forever! Sure, they can learn to not act on their desires, but they cannot change their attraction from males to females. It would be exactly like telling me to like males even though I like females.

    BTW, as far as gay rights, etc. If marriage comes from a religion, and the religion says only a man and a woman can marry, then I would say that 2 men should not be able to me married according to the religion. HOWEVER, I do think, for legal purposes, there should be a marriage equivalent for gay people. Also, if you're single, married, whatever, this should have NOTHING TO DO WITH OUR TAX SYSTEM!! Get all that crap out!!!

    p.s. I'M NOT GAY AT ALL. I just agree with some arguments gay people make.
    #54     Apr 27, 2003
  5. Lundy, last summer you said the bottom is in, now you seem to be saying the bottom is definitely out. What is it?
    #55     Apr 27, 2003
  6. LOL:D
    #56     Apr 27, 2003
  7. lundy


    I already had this discussion with RS7 in chit-chat. You can do a search for it.

    After I pointed out the facts, RS7 just dropped out of the discussion, even though he admitted that he wasn't aware of the "gay agenda", or the homosexual activism going on in elementary school, or the other bizzarre stuff they do, like going to scaat houses. RS7 where are u now?

    Most people who defend the the gay movement, really have no idea what this movement or agenda is. They are confused by the tactics of the homosexual activists who use freedom, the constitution, and any means possible to get us to accept them. Here's a quote from an activist.

    "The greatest single victory of the gay movement over the past decade has been to shift the debate from behavior to identity, thus forcing opponents into a position where they can be seen as attacking the civil rights of homosexual citizens."

    From The Homosexualization of America,
    by homosexual activist Dennis Altman.

    I'm not a afraid of homosexuals, but I'm very afraid of what they are pushing on us in the media, movies, schools, politics, etc.

    heres a link to relevant info:

    the gay agenda:
    #57     Apr 27, 2003
  8. Psychologically, what is impermissable has greater appeal than what is permissable. Should those wishing to contain homosexuality stop paying credence to homosexual views by ignoring them, fewer individuals would find the lifestyle appealing. Both sides would "win." I do not expect this to happen, it never does. But if your afraid of your son or daughter being gay you should probably not fight them on the issue. What will be will be, by confronting the issue one only perpetuates the problem.
    Personally, I could give a shit. I may have been hit-on a few times but never harassed, so why should I care? No gay person has ever harmed me and I have never harmed a gay person. Of course there are those who would argue the morality of homosexual behaviour - but they are usually the same folks who ascribe to a book which says, "judge not lest ye be judged." Their life's reference manual, the one which tells them what is moral, says to leave others be. That's the part everyone ignores though, because it is not about beliefs it is about having a purpose. Some people, many people unfortunately, have made it their purpose to disrupt the lives of others.
    And one more note, as for ribbon wearing, flag waving, and sign-making well, they're symbols - and I find it best to leave them to the symbol-minded.
    #58     Apr 27, 2003
  9. Take the meanest baddest heterosexual motherfucker in town, give him a nickel and dime in the joint, and he's porking every smoothskin rookie passing through the front gate.

    Lundy, are you going to the local prison to spread the word?
    #59     Apr 28, 2003